Cherry Pickers P. II

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The couple is almost immediately separated upon entering the house with Moss' mom pulling him toward the kitchen and his dad holding Tye back for conversation with the other two Kettler boys. Tye sends a frightened look at his boyfriend who gives him a not so reassuring smile in return before disappearing into the kitchen.

His mom gets out ingredients for veggie omelets with whole-wheat toast and peanut butter fruit smoothies. Healthy breakfast for dinner is far less exciting than Moss' original plan to order surf and turf at the fancy restaurant downtown, but he supposes that this is what he gets for not having a backbone.

It's nice to spend time with his mom in the kitchen again. They don't speak much, but dance around each other as they prepare different parts of the meal. However, she disappears after putting together an appetizer plate of turkey, cheese and apple slices and doesn't return to keep Moss company while he finishes cooking.

The last omelet is sizzling in the pan as he starts preparing the smoothies which shouldn't take long to make. He's blending the first concoction of fruits, peanut butter, protein powder and whatever else his mom got out when he feels arms around his waist.

"I was trying to end the conversation so I could come help you, but they kept asking me questions about the game," Tye whispers in his ear in an attempt to keep anyone from overhearing.

Pouring the smoothie mixture into a couple of different glasses Moss sighs, "Sorry about that, they tend to latch on to anyone remotely interested in hockey. Having one of Shane and Eli's teammates around probably made them even more talkative than usual."

"Don't apologize," Tye gives him a squeeze before backing away and leaning against the counter. "I just feel bad that you did all of the cooking for them on your own again."

Moss waves his hand dismissively while placing the dirty dishes by the sink.

"I'm used to it. It's whatever at this point."

Frowning, Tye starts carrying plates and glasses to the dining room where Moss has already set the table with silverware and napkins.

"Tye, honey. Please sit down and relax," Moss' mom calls to him. "You don't have to do all of that- you must be exhausted."

He continues to set the omelets and smoothies on the table, "I'm fine, ma'am. Moss is busy finishing up in the kitchen and I wanted to help him out."

Once they are all seated around the dining room table, Moss' dad asks the three hockey players what they like to do for fun in Denver.

"Skiing, snowboarding, hiking...." Eli lists.

Shane then chimes in, "We chill with the boys on off days. Usually, we play a lot of video games when we're not practicing."

Their mom turns to Tye after Shane and Eli offer their input, "What about you, Tye? What do you like to do in Denver?"

"Pretty much the same as what Shane and Eli said," Tye answers. "I also like to discover new restaurants downtown and in the mountains at different ski lodges.

His parents are delighted by this and ask him to elaborate on some of his favorite restaurants that he likes to go to. Tye doesn't list the seafood place at the Mt. Dorothy Ski Resort that they went to a couple of months ago, but recommends some other spots to them.

During a recent virtual date night, Tye revealed that the restaurant at Mt. Dorothy is an incredibly special place to him. He went on to say that he's taken the most important people in his life there, hence him only going with his mom, sister and Moss.

Taking Moss there when he first visited Tye was apparently very nerve-racking for the hockey player who hadn't completely acknowledged his feelings for his friend yet, but knew that he felt strongly about him. After the admission, Moss teased him for being a cheesy romantic. However, he had secretly loved that Tye considered him to be one of the most important people in his life even before they had gotten together.

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