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A car horn beeps as Moss exits the airport and enters the pickup area with nothing but a backpack over his shoulders and a coffee in his hand. He watches as a black Mercedes-Benz pulls over and hazard lights flick on before the driver hops out to greet him.

"Look who finally decided to stop by!" Tye exclaims while pulling him into an embrace and giving him a slap on the back.

Moss looks up at the hockey player squeezing the life out of him, "Yeah yeah yeah- I was promised that it would be worth my while. I expect to be blown away by the end of this trip."

"And I plan on delivering on that promise. Prepare to be blown away, MoMo," Tye smiles at him confidently. He then looks around Moss as if searching for something.

"Did you only bring that tiny backpack for this weekend?" He asks aghast.

Moss shrugs his shoulders, "I mean- I'm only here for a short amount of time. I have an early-ish flight back on Sunday so I figured that I wouldn't need too many things for this trip. Also, my backpack isn't tiny."

Tye sighs and rolls his eyes up to the sky in an exaggerated manner, "Did you even bring a winter coat? It's December in Colorado, you can't exactly get away with wearing just a sweatshirt and jeans."

"I don't know- I figured we'd be inside the majority of the time," Moss admits sheepishly.

"Alright, let's get you in the car before you get frostbite," Tye ushers him into the passenger side of the Mercedes-Benz. "You'll borrow one of my coats while you're here."

"Fine, dad"

"Why did I invite you here again?"


Tye pulls into a long, winding driveway a few minutes after entering the gated community where he resides.

His house is huge.

It looks like two log cabins were artfully pushed together in a some-what isolated area halfway up a mountain. Tye pulls into a three-car garage where two other luxury cars sit waiting to be driven. They then enter through a door which leads them into the kitchen area.

The kitchen is warm and homey with a mixture of dark wood and stone throughout it. This seems to be a pattern for the entire house as Moss spots the living room and entry way which have dark stained wood floors and a stone archway over the front door. There is also a large stone fireplace in the living room which reaches the impressively high ceilings.

"Maybe I should've taken hockey more seriously as a kid," Moss whistles lowly while observing the grand house, "I can't imagine being able to afford a place like this."

Tye's already red cheeks darken slightly, "I'm glad you like it- let me give you a tour of the rest of the house." Of course, the rest of the house is just as beautiful and impressive as the kitchen and living room.

Moss drops his bag off at the first guest bedroom that he is shown before continuing the tour. Easily the most exciting features of the house are the movie theater room, home gym and two hot tubs (one indoor and one outdoor). Tye's bedroom is the final stop of the tour with it being in the furthest part of the house on the second floor.

"So you actually have three hot tubs," Moss teases him after spotting yet another one on the deck connected to his room.

Tye smiles broadly, "You gain a whole new appreciation for jacuzzi's when you move to the rocky mountains of Colorado."

His room keeps with the theme of dark stained hardwood floors, high ceilings and the obligatory giant stone fireplace. The bedding is white with a giant brown, faux fur blanket draped diagonally across it. There are pictures on Tye's dresser as well as some that are meticulously hung on his walls in dark brown frames of friends and family.

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