Cherry Pickers P. I

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The regular season is wrapping up in April, but the Boulders still have a few more games to play before playoffs begin. One of their last away games happens to be against Detroit, which Tye is absolutely ecstatic about.

Their game is on Sunday and the team flies in directly from Cleveland on Saturday. Foregoing check in at the hotel, Tye instead says that he has a friend that he will be staying with while in town. This is normally not allowed during the season, but their spot in the playoffs with home-ice advantage has already been clinched so the coaching staff let's it slide as long as he is on time for breakfast tomorrow morning and the game later that evening.

He only knocks on the apartment door twice before it's thrown open with a loud BANG as it slams against the wall.

Moss drags him inside while kissing him hungrily and blindly reaches for the door to shut behind him. Tye's initial surprise immediately morphs into contentedness as he indulges in the euphoric sensation brought on by his boyfriend's lips.

Eventually, they break away to catch their breath and properly greet each other. After parting, Tye gets the chance to finally scan over the space that he's used to seeing exclusively over FaceTime.

Noticing the hockey player looking around, Moss offers to give him a quick tour of the place. "Obviously it's not nearly as grand as your log cabin mansion, but I can still show you around," he teases Tye.

The tour only lasts a total of ten minutes considering how small the place is. Tye also had a handful of questions regarding the various knickknacks and mismatched furniture strewn throughout the apartment. He spends the most amount of time, however, observing the pictures that Moss has scattered around his place.

There are childhood pictures of the Kettler boys in most of the frames. Several exhibit how nurturing and protective Moss was of his little brothers back in the day.

One picture in particular displaying these characteristics shows eight year old Moss with his arm around a crying four year old Eli who must've wiped out while skiing down the bunny hill. As Moss comforts his youngest brother, he has a big smile on his face and is extending a thumbs up with his other hand towards six year old Shane who looks to be reaching the end of the beginner hill by himself.

Moss tells him that he prepared a chicken pot pie which is done and warming in the oven until Tye says that he is ready to eat.

"How did I get lucky enough to land a chef?" Tye questions and places a kiss on his lips before guiding them to the kitchen.

Moss happily scoops out the pot pie on each of their plates which they then eat as Tye tells him about an altercation that went down on the plane to Detroit. Apparently, one of their goalies and their top center almost got into a fight over a card game that they had been playing.

They shower and head to bed early so they can fool around at their leisure. Tye has to be up early to meet the team for breakfast, otherwise, he will be fined and benched for the game if he fails to show up. So they enjoy their night together before having to deal with the craziness that is game day in Hockeytown.


Tye tries to sneak out of bed the next morning around 6:30 AM so Moss can continue sleeping in peace. He is slipping on the clothes that were hastily discarded next to his side of the bed last night when he hears his boyfriend's tired voice, "It's time for you to go already?"

Leaning over to place a kiss on his forehead, he then responds, "Sorry, sweets. Breakfast is at 7:15- I need to leave now or I'm gonna be late and they won't let me play tonight."

"That doesn't sound so bad. You can stay here with me all day," Moss bargains playfully.

Pulling his shirt on over his head and standing up, Tye smiles down at his sleepy lump squinting up at him from the bed, "Believe me- I'm incredibly tempted, but I think coach would have an aneurism and never let me leave the hotel during away games ever again if I did that."

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