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Juan led the duo outside the huge metallic door, and a gush of warmth swept through them. Bryan was half expecting to see a small building, but his eyes were enthralled by the sight before him. "So we were in the president's building all along?"

Juan straightened his posture further, clearly taking the question as a heartfelt compliment. "The Spanish Department understands the value of secrecy, and what is more cryptic and safe than detaining two officers inside the president's building?"

Bryan couldn't help but marvel at the huge, colossal building. The high ceilings were adorned with holographic displays showcasing Spain's achievements in science, technology, and the arts. As his eyes lunged forward to take in every detail, he saw that Juan had stopped short and was looking at something rather incredulously.

"Eh, what do you think your friend's doing?"

Bryan looked behind him and saw that Ethan was jumping around a huge, ornate door. From afar, anyone would think that he's gone crazy and is in dire need of an asylum. Bryan ran up to him, pulled him by the hand, and lunged him forward. "What are you doing? Don't make us look like lunatics!"

Ethan shoved his hand away and started tracing his hands through the ornate design on the huge door. "You don't understand the value of this door! This is the sanctum library, a haven of knowledge and wisdom. It has years of secrets inside it; some even say that the secrets possess the power to destroy an entire nation."

Juan cleared his throat and gave him a steel-cold look. "Considering the relevancy of the door, you might as well know that it isn't quite easy for anyone to barge in."

Ethan rolled his eyes and took his hands away from the door. Bryan shoved him forward, and the trio began to walk in what seemed like an endless hallway. Juan motioned them to a dead end and gave a reverent bow towards what seemed like an old, black wall. "You are now about to enter the president's office. Decorum is key. Speak only when you're spoken to; answer only what is required."

Ethan thought that his brain was malfunctioning as he looked at Juan bowing down and straightening his blazer. "Eh? I see no office; all I see is a stupid old black wall."

Bryan couldn't help but agree with Ethan. Unless my eyes have a deficiency, I too can't see a single thing.

Juan didn't seem to hear the duo as he waved his hand over the wall. A tiny section of it was illuminated, which made Ethan take a step back. Juan leaned forward and whispered softly, making sure that not even a single soul should hear what he said. "Arriba o abajo, España lo domina todo." Up or down, Spain dominates everything.

Bryan felt the static sound of machines and thought that the cube was the source of the sound, but suddenly something enthralling happened that made him step backwards. The huge black wall pixelated itself to reveal a giant ornate door that resembled the sanctum library. The door was heavily embedded with priceless gems, ornated in such a way that it resembled a famous scenario.

Ethan felt like his soul crossed the seven heavens as his eyes took in the marvelous sight. "The judgment day!"

Juan gave a proud smile and made the sign of the cross. "We Spanish are highly faithful, and thus we do believe that there's a judgment day where the good will be revered while the wrong will be punished."

Ethan gave a low grunt and rolled his eyes. Trust me, horseface, you will be in front of the line leading to hell, and Bryan will be second.

Juan pushed the door ajar to reveal a frail yet stern man seated across a large, polished desk. President Diego Ramírez motioned the boys before him to the seats in front of the desk. Bryan hesitantly took the seat, his eyes clearly capturing the look on the president's face, expressing clear distaste. Juan stood behind the president, his face as expressionless as a rock.

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