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Stomping and swaying, he had been waiting for fifteen minutes, and yet there wasn't a taxi in sight that could offer him an affordable ride to the New York Police Force. What did I expect? A lift to Emma Watson's house? Rolling his eyes, he decided to wait for an additional ten minutes, his hope dwindling. Suddenly, a loud gong echoed through the city of New York. The clocktower, constructed in Manhattan in late 2023, chimed 11 o'clock so loudly that it snapped him back to reality.

"Hell, I'm late! Suck up the cab; I'll just walk!" Searching for an available bicycle nearby, his eagle-eyed gaze landed on a rickety old skateboard. "This will do," he muttered, smirking, and sped off at full throttle. Darting through the brick-lined streets, he zoomed past a couple who were about to share a kiss, celebrating their wedding anniversary. "HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, SON OF A..." Before he could finish, a handful of sauce filled his mouth, causing him to spit it out onto his wife's face. Putting the bottle down, Bryan turned around and smirked, "Watch your mouth, biggie".

 Leaving the bickering couple behind, he swished his way through the bustling traffic, bouncing off a nearby wall and landing smoothly on top of a moving car. Before the lady in the car could process what was happening, Bryan sped through the main road to the city square, zooming past a flock of pigeons and eventually crash-landing in front of the New York Police Department. What a day, he thought to himself.

The very sight of the building made his skin crawl. Something about the aura told him that this wasn't a perfect example of a happy workplace, and yet his mind ushered him to finish the jigsaw puzzle that has been haunting him for so many years. After taking a deep breath, he made his way through a tall iron door. Surprisingly, he passed the security checks with ease but couldn't help but notice the peculiar expressions on the officers' faces. Ignoring them, he made his way into the cold atmosphere of the bustling workplace. He came to a sudden halt, and for a moment, he felt as if his soul had departed his body. 

The building was colossal, with massive screens occupying every nook and cranny of the room. Telephones appeared to be the best friend of this place, as they buzzed at every desk from time to time. Papers spewed forth from the printers, and young adults around his age, give or take a year or two, bustled about, each engrossed in their daily tasks. Some were jotting on boards, while others conversed with the chief. One individual, in particular, was at the center of attention, with a crowd gathered around him.

But the spotlight didn't last for too long as a girl from the crowd spotted Bryan and whispered something to her friend. Her friend immediately took notice and gasped so loudly that everyone in the crowd turned to see what caused the distraction. Even the guy in the spotlight was taken aback for a second, probably because he hasn't seen anyone steal his spotlight ever. "Oh my god, Isabella, look at him! Isn't he so smokin hot?" whispered one, and another replied to the cue, "I know, right? Is he lost? or even better, is he in our department? The girl's excitement creeped him out so much that he just wanted to run away, and that's when the guy in the spotlight turned and Bryan caught a good look at him. Blond-haired, 6 feet tall, with a chiseled face, olive skin tone, and a built body It quite explains why the crowd gathered around him.

The blond-haired guy walked past the crowd toward him, and something about the guy told him that he had just met his first enemy in the workplace. The guy clearly seemed unimpressed with him but managed to smile so wide, flashing his white teeth, that Bryan swore that he could see his own reflection in them. "Hey, I'm Ethan, Ethan Thoms." His voice was as low as a soft wind yet had a menacing, cold tone to it. He extended his cold hand towards Bryan, but he was quick enough to reject it. "Bryan, new to the force." Ethan stepped back, and he wasn't quite sure why. Is it because I rejected his handshake, or is it because of the fact that I'm going to work with him?

Before the stage could get escalated further, to his prayers, Arnold walked in with a girl around 17, dressed in a royal blue suit and a matching skirt, her chocolate brown hair tied in a braided bun. Something about her ignited a feeling in Bryan that made him both elated and cringe out. Arnold pushed aside Ethan, ignoring his surprising look, and placed that same old warm hand on Bryan's forehead. "Are you okay, boy? I know this is too much for you, but a deal is a deal." Ignoring the girl beside him, he gave a sharp nod to Arnold and cast one last death glare towards Ethan. Arnold cleared his throat and motioned for everyone to gather around him.

"Listen up, everyone. This is Bryan Adams, and he will be our new crime detective. "Before he could resume further, the whole congregation applauded so loudly that Bryan felt so flustered. Arnold noticed that Ethan and his colleagues cast a weird glance both at him and Bryan. As if to address the concern, he replied, "I do know that this gentleman here might not seem too fit for the post based on his appearance, but no worries because he will join the force once he gets a whole new makeover", His smile beamed through the hall, but the spotlight group didn't look quite impressed. Arnold led him away from the crowd, the girl following behind them.

"What do you mean by makeover? I ain't here for modeling? Work my ass for ten days, and I get to know about my history!". Arnold gave a loud laugh, which even made the girl give out a feeble smile, which made his cheeks go red. He cast a glare towards her side, which made her so intimidated that she gazed back down. "Kid, they always say before signing up for something, always read the contract." Laughing again, he pointed to the blue-clad envelope in Bryan's pocket. Bryan felt fooled and disgusted, but he couldn't do better than clench his own fist.

"Jessica, fill up Bryan's personal details, give him the tools for his small makeover, and make him prepared to be submitted before the council." With that, Arnold gave a small wink and left for a room across the hallway.

The air was tense between the two of them. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lie about the fact that there was a special aura about her. Before he could resume his thoughts, her voice cut like butter across his empty imagination.

"Hey, uhm, I'm sorry that I laughed. I wasn't, you know, trying to make fun of you. I was just joinin..."

He didn't understand what but something made him cut short what she was saying. Probably it was the fact that he hadn't talked to girls before. "I would like to get to the details, please." His deep, icy voice made her skin stand out. Embarrassed and annoyed that she got cut out, she fumbled for the clipboard and started taking serious notes.

                                                                                         PERSONAL PROFILE



AGE: 17






"Is it done yet?" Bryan couldn't help but burst out, as it was very weird when a girl keeps looking at you from head to toe, scanning each and every inch of you. What did she write down? ugly-looking, unfit, a mad orphan boy?

"Hey, this is a profile check and not a toffee shop to get it done within just seconds. If you want to stay here, then you've got to cooperate or else just leave." She couldn't help but burst out what she was feeling, as she had never been treated so ignorantly, especially by a guy. But something told her that he wasn't used to getting ordered at. He closed in on her, his mouth just inches away from her face.

"No one orders me, you understand?" His voice was so cold and deep, just like a hollow echo, and yet she enjoyed every second of it. Every inch of her craved for more, but just like a dream getting pricked by a needle, he stepped back. She flushed off the embarrassed look on her face and quickly handed him his uniform, soap, and a towel.

"The lavatory's down the hallway. Dress up and make yourself presentable. Council's in 20 minutes". She didn't even give him a last look but sped down the hallway as if she were in a hurry to use the lavatory first. Bryan looked down upon his uniform. The fabric gave him a touch of royalty, as he had never seen anything other than his everyday torn trousers and a sweatshirt. Gazing towards the hallway, he prepared for the best to come.

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