(9) Afterparty

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Noah's POV
-From the last chapter-
Saturday-9:00 PM

I'd spent the last half-hour searching for Silas, he wasn't anywhere inside. I began looking around outside, pushing through the crowds of people. Jaxon's parties always get out of hand. I looked over and my heart jumped. I saw Silas collapsed against a wall, his head in between his knees. "Silas, you don't look too hot. Are you okay, did you get hurt at the game? Do you want to go home, you're not drunk right?" I rambled and he gave me a weird look. "I'm not hurt, I'm not drunk, I'm just—hot," He announced with uncertainty lacing his voice. 

"Come on, let's go, I'll take you home, it's not too late." I grabbed his arm and yanked him from his spot on the floor. I weaved in and out and around all the people, I was sure Jaxon only knew about half of them. I felt it before I saw it, realizing that Silas's hand was no longer in mine. I turned around quickly and saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, the deafening splash of his body hitting the pool.

-End flashback-

 I jumped into the pool without a second thought, my mind set on saving my best friend. There were several screams from surrounding kids. I reached under his arms and pulled him out of the pool as quickly as I could. It felt horrible to see my friend in distress, knowing I can do almost nothing about it. Fear turned my mind purple and I could barely feel the cold of the water. It was not nearly quick enough, I couldn't find him and I tried to remember what I'd learned in health class when Kayan ran outside, Jaxon trailing behind him with a scared look on his face. "I was a lifeguard over the summer," Kayan explained as he rolled Silas onto his side. 

"How long was he underwater?" I tried to remain calm. "I don't know, a while, at least a minute, he passed out and then fell into the pool," I babbled, attempting to hold back tears. "Do we need to call an ambulance?'' Jaxon said from beside me. Kayan shook his head "Yes, clear everyone out of here please," Kayan instructed. This was the most I've seen him talk in a while, but he seemed to know what he was doing.  "He's not breathing, he's got a cut on the back of his head," Kayan announced as he started doing CPR. I shook my head in disbelief, tears became evident.

Once everyone had been cleared from Reed's home and Silas was, luckily, breathing again, we moved Silas inside cautiously. I took his phone to call Silas's parents while Jaxon continued informing the ambulance of what was happening. 

"Mrs. Prescott, it's Noah," I said into the phone hurriedly. "Is Silas staying with you tonight, why didn't he just call me, why do you have his phone?" She said groggily into the phone.

"Well, Jaxon Reed was throwing a party and Silas passed out and fell into the pool. Jaxon's on the phone with the ambulance right now." I said and silence came back on the other end. "Mrs. Prescott?" I called and she gasped. "Oh my god, what happened? Is he breathing, is he going to survive?" She let out a loud sob and I could hear her waking Mr. Prescott. (HAMILTON! Sorry not the time but still...) 

"Umm, K-Kayan did CPR and he's breathing now, the ambulance is on their way. He's bleeding, I think he hit his head when he fell into the pool." I heard her take in a shaky breath. "Text me when you find out what hospital they're taking him to, or if he wakes up before they get there, my husband will meet you." She said before thanking me and hanging up. I shivered in my wet clothes, the icy air and fear paralyzed me.

"Jaxon, what did they say?" I asked after finishing up on the phone with his parents. Jaxon ran a shaky hand through his hair, glancing at Silas's motionless form. "The ambulance is on its way. They told us to keep him warm and monitor his breathing until they arrive." I nodded, my heart still racing from the intensity of the situation.

Kayan, surprisingly calm, continued to check Silas's vital signs. "We need to keep him on his side in case he vomits. It's essential to maintain an open airway." His words were clear and focused, reassuring us that we were doing everything we could until professional help arrived. Just as Kayan had predicted, vomit came up from Silas's mouth, and gagging ensued. 

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