(4) Going Downhill

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NEW-update sport is now soccer instead of football, letting you know in every chapter and editing them!

Silas's POV

I held my sisters hair as she vomited violently into the toilet. It'd been like this all day, she'd wake up, I'd help her to the bathroom, she'd vomit, and I would have to hold her while she cried. This time was different, she woke up seeming like she was more aware. Cora said she was feeling 'much better,' but I knew it was a lie. She only proves my point my running to the bathroom and vomiting more. Her eyes were glassy while I rubbed her back. Suddenly she fell limp into my arms. "Cora?" I half yelled, trying to remain calm. When 15 minutes had passed and she still wouldn't wake up I took it upon myself to call our mom.

"Mom...It's Cora, I think she passed out...no...yes, come quick." I ended the phone call and once again carried her to the couch. I did as my mom instructed, I took her temperature only to see it was almost 103°(Fahrenheit because I'm from the US). I put a cool rag over her forehead and waited. My mom already called an ambulance and it was coming soon.

When the ambulance had arrived my mom had called to say she'd meet me there. Her work couldn't let her leave just yet. I watched them move her onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. It all went by in a blur, I heard someone crying, it was probably me. I was brought back to reality when a paramedic tapped me. "Hmm? Are we here?" I asked looking up. She nodded and kneeled in front of me. "I can't make any promises, but I'm sure your sister is going to be just fine. From the looks of it she passed out from exhaustion and dehydration." The women rubbed my shoulder and I followed her inside. I was stopped just outside the emergency room.

I collapsed against the chair and put my head in my hands. People walked by but it was all a blur. At one point I fell asleep because after a few seconds someone was shaking me awake. "Hmm?" I asked looking up. "Hey baby, I'm here." My mom said sitting beside me. I nodded and closed my eyes. After 20 minutes of waiting a nurse came out "Mrs. Presscott, your daughter is awake," the nurse announced and motioned for us to follow her.

When we neared the room a doctor pulled my mom aside. I walked inside the room and sat beside her bed. "Hey," I said looking over at her. She was pale and fragile looking. Cora smiled weakly at me. I wasn't really sure what to say. We sat there in silence for a few seconds before my mother and the doctor back came in.

The doctor and my mother were talking outside but I went straight in. "Cora?" I called softly, trying not to say or do anything that would harm her already fragile state. She smiled softly but I could tell something was wrong. "How're you feeling?" I asked her "Honestly?" I could see it in her eyes, she really just wanted to say she was fine and act like nothing happened. "Yes, for real, I know you're not 'fine'," Cora sighed loudly, "Well, my head hurts.—" she started right as my mom walked in with the doctor. "Saved by the bell," I joked and she glared back at me.

My moms eyes were red and puffy, like she'd been crying. I had a feeling something was wrong and this had just confirmed my suspicions. "Your mother has asked to be the one to break this to you, I'm going to step out, press the button if you need anything," the doctor said stepping outside.

"What's going on?" Cora and I asked in unison. I tried to mask the fear in my voice as I said that, I knew something was wrong as my mother rarely cried. 'Wouldn't my father be here if something really bad was going on?' I thought to myself but shook my head and tried not to think the worst.

My mom took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of Cora's bed. She looked at both of us with tear-filled eyes, and I could see the pain in her face. "Silas, Cora," she began, her voice trembling,

"There's something I need to tell you, and it's not easy for me to say." She paused, trying to find the right words."Cora, sweetheart, the doctors have found something... something serious," my mom continued, her voice breaking.

"You have cancer." Cora's eyes widened, and I could see the shock and fear wash over her face. I felt my heart sink, and my own tears started to well up. This couldn't be happening. I had to swallow my sadness, blink away the tears, be strong for my sister.

After a few minutes of crying and comforting, the doctor was called back in to discuss treatment plans. Luckily, as he had said, they caught it early and so things should go well. The doctor, Dr. Perkins, and my mother discussed a few more things and scheduled a consult meeting in the next few days. As for my sister they were going to start her treatment as soon as they could, which meant everything was starting tomorrow.

That's where I'll end it today, next chapter is in the works right now because I ended this here rather than continue it so I can do a different POV. I hope you are all enjoying this story so far, sorry if it didn't go in the direction you wanted.


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