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Hey y'all, quick note before we start, I'll try my best to make the treatment plan and research but it'll probably be inaccurate. I've decided that she has lung cancer, it might get mentioned but if it doesn't, now you know! I'm going to try my best and I hope if I do something wrong you'll tell me, especially if it offends you in anyway because that's not at all my intention! Enjoy! Also, the picture above is what I think Cora looks like!

Cora's POV

One hour until the big appointment, to say I was nervous is an understatement. I felt pretty okay today but my nerves make me nauseous, dizzy, tired, I don't even know what's going on in my body.

I was in the hospital for 4 hours yesterday, making plans, setting up the treatment, and other boring things. Let's just say I wasn't looking forward to going back.

Another thing was Silas, he's been highly overprotective recently. Considering the 'circumstances' I can understand but that doesn't make it any less annoying. He wants to know where I am, who I'm with, and what I'm doing at every waking moment. I'm thankful that Lizzy hasn't changed, she's quicker to make sure that I'm okay but she isn't going crazy, at least not on the outside. Right now I'm trying to decide what to wear, I mean I'm going to a hospital so no one cares, except Evan is going to come and you know what that means. I settled on black sweatpants, a white shirt with a black sweater over it, and a teal fanny pack with my belongings in it.

After I finally chose an outfit, did my hair, and ate an early lunch it was time to leave. "Cora, are you ready?" My mom called up the stairs. "Yes! I'm coming," I screamed back. "Are you feeling okay?" Silas asked appearing from his bedroom. "Yes," I sighed, rolling my eyes.

The (luckily only) 10 minute drive from our house to the hospital felt like hours. Once we arrived I hustled to get inside and out of the cold. The appointment was right at noon, Lizzy would be coming soon, I told Evan I would tell him when Lizzy left so he could come.


I was seated in a room with a few other patients, most of which were adults. They had explained that it would be inserted intravenously(through my veins). I was prepared by doctors and nurses on what to expect and when to expect it. I wasn't excited for the symptoms to start. Nausea with a side of dizziness, and for desert fatigue, and even, wait for it, loss of appetite. The last one, my personal least favorite, drum roll please, hair loss!

They began to set up the machines, hooking me up to vital monitors and inserting the IV into my arm. After they'd finished the medicine started. It should be done around 1:15-1:30. It felt weird, I could kind of feel the medication coming inside my body.

Lizzy arrived shortly after it started, she pulled up a chair and stayed to keep me company. We talked for half of the time, about school, life, things like that. I finished up some schoolwork, I didn't have much but I'm going to end up missing class for treatments. After a while I texted Evan and let him know that he was able to come still. "When do you want me to head out so you can hang out with your boyfriend," Lizzy taunted. "Don't even, Eliza Jane," I scolded, quickly stopping when he alerted me of his arrival. "He's coming, you'd better go, come over to my house afterwards?" I asked hoping that she didn't feel left out. "Of course, call me!" She hollered walking away.

I suddenly became nauseas and pressed the call button, "I think I'm going to vomit," I said as a nurse rushed over. She quickly grabbed a vomit bag and comforted me, seemingly unfazed by the situation. Evan came in and was watching cautiously has I vomited any food left in my system out. After I'd finished he quickly walked over, I was defeated. I fell back against the bed and tried to fight the dizziness. He grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on the back of it, I turned the shade of a beat.

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