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Bridget asked Teddy to take some behind the scenes photos of us setting up for the gala, so he's been hanging around the ballroom while Bridget and I work with the event planner to decorate the tables.

After ending things with Teddy, I thought it was going to be awkward between us, but that hasn't been the case. He's been just as friendly and warm as the first day that I met him.

It wasn't that I thought Teddy would be bitter; that's not who he is at his core. I think that I was just in my head about the whole thing; I was scared of hurting even just a tiny part of him. I have nothing but admiration for Teddy, and I know that'll never change.

He's sitting at one of the tables, looking through his professional camera, when I scoot the chair out and take the seat beside him.

"How are the photos coming along?" I ask him.

He turns the camera around, and reaches it out to me. "Want to see for yourself?" he asks. I cautiously take it from his grip, not wanting to drop it, and start scrolling through.

"Teddy, these are awesome," I exclaim, handing him back the camera.

"Thanks," he smiles. "I tried. I really wanted them to turn out great."

"They're more than great," I tell him. "Has your mom seen them yet?"

"Not yet. I didn't want to bother her. I'll show them to her later." He places the camera down on the tablecloth and then looks at me. "How's your day been?"

"Just as busy as I thought it would be."

"That's because I told my mom to crack the whip, remember?" he teases. I laugh for a few seconds before turning more serious because there's something that I have to get off my chest.

"Thank you, Teddy," I earnestly say, though he glances back at me with curiosity.

"For what?" he asks, and I look at him intently.

"For letting me be your friend."

He reaches for my hand, and covers it with his. "I'll always be your friend, Lily."

"The same goes for me, you know? I'll always be yours, too."

We both smile at each other and this moment between us is something that I will never take for granted. While I wish that I could force myself to feel something greater than just friendship for Teddy, I also know that he deserves more than that. He doesn't deserve force.

"You know, before you got here, things were starting to suck in this house," he admits. "I don't want to blame Lucas, but it's been hard with him over the last few years. Or should I say, without him. We've just been so distant lately. And I love my brother. But some days, I feel like I don't even know him anymore."

Teddy looks down at the floor, and I hate hearing this. I can see how much Teddy and Lucas truly love each other. Growing up, I always wished that I had a sibling; someone to play with and confide in, and all I want is for them to take advantage of that.

"I'm so sorry, Teddy. Is there something that you can do to change that? Have you tried talking to him? Telling him how you feel?"

"It's hard to pin someone like Lucas down. I know that he knows I'll always be there for him, but sometimes, he makes that hard for me to do."

"What about the other way around? Do you feel like he's been there for you?"

"It's funny you ask that. I know that Lucas is the older brother, but I always felt like I had to be the more protective one." Teddy pauses as he processes his next thought. "I just want him to be proud of me."

"I know that he's proud of you, Teddy," I state with conviction in the hopes that he'll believe my words, too. "What if you guys spent the day together, just the two of you?"

Teddy nods as he ponders my idea. "I'll think about it. Thanks, Lily."

Bridget comes over to us with a clipboard in her hand. Even super busy, she appears physically and mentally composed. "Lily, sweetheart, I know that you're supposed to head out soon, but I have to accompany Walter to a business event. I'd ask Teddy, but," she turns to him, "sweetie, you said that you have Henry's birthday dinner tonight, right?"

"Yup," Teddy chimes in.

"That's what I thought." She glances back at me. "Anyway, Lily, do you mind staying a few extra hours? I'm expecting the table cards to arrive soon and I'd really like to start laying them out so that they don't crumple."

"I don't mind at all."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. It's no problem."

She presses her palms together and holds them up to her lips. "You're a gem. I have some chicken cutlets from last night's dinner in the fridge and a few containers of appetizers. Help yourself to it all. And I'm paying you overtime, too!"

"Bridget, that's so sweet, but it's really not necessary. I'm happy to do it," I say, meaning it. Mom texted me telling me that she was working late, so this all works out.

"Teddy, please help me," Bridget teases.

"I wish I could. But don't you know this girl by now, mom? It's hard to change her mind."

"She's a tough cookie. And I mean that in the best way possible," Bridget smiles. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, sweetheart," she says before scurrying off.

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