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We enter this deserted parking lot, and I'm genuinely confused by what we're doing here.

"You brought me to a parking lot?" I ask Lucas when he puts the car in park and immediately unbuckles his seatbelt.

"No, genius, I brought you to that," he says, pointing ahead, and my eyes land on this beautiful lighthouse. I swear, it looks straight off a postcard.

"No way," I whisper to myself. I've never seen one in person before. "Are we allowed inside?" I ask, and Lucas chuckles endearingly.

"That was cute. Sadly, no. I can get us pretty close, though."

He exits the car and makes his way to my side, opening the door for me. I get out and he walks to the trunk of his car, pulling out a blanket and a lantern.

"Sooo, you planned this, huh?" I ask him with my hands on my hips.

"Hoped," he corrects me. "I hoped for this." He folds the blanket over his arm and looks at me. "Follow me."

I want to. Boy, do I want to. But I can't, so I stay put.

"Lucas," I shake my head, releasing a breath. "I can't."

"Can't what, Lil? Sit on a beach?"

"No," I tell him, matter-of-factly. "Not with you."

"If this is about Ted-"

"Of course, it's about Teddy! I know that you may not be used to rejection, Lucas, but let me spell it out for you. I'm. Not. Doing. This. With. You."

"Okay, Lil," he says, taking strides in my direction. "I get it. I do. I'm not trying to disrespect my brother or your relationship with him. But I really, really can't go home right now."

"Why?" I ask.

"Don't worry about that," he tells me, but I shake my head and chuckle condescendingly.

"Then take me home," I assert, but he looks at me with perplexity. "I don't know what you expect from me, Lucas? You can't keep taking and not giving in return."

He dips his head down and huffs before slowly bringing his gaze back up. "Fine, you really want to know?"

"Yeah, I really want to know."

He looks around the vacant lot before answering, "I got into a fight with my dad."

"About what?"

"My future."

"Why?" I ask, breathlessly.

He exhales loudly and then says, "Let's just say that we have two different versions of where we see my life going. He wants me in the family business, and I want to establish myself on my own terms."

"Did you tell him that? I feel like your dad is the type to understand."

"Of course, I did. Why do you think we're fighting? I can't go home right now. And I'm sick of self-destructing my problems away. Please, Lil. Just stay with me for a little."

He doesn't say anything more, and I can see the struggle in his eyes, which is what gets me to stay with him. I never want to see Lucas struggle.

"Okay," I say, the word tumbling out of my mouth before I can even catch it.

"Okay?" he asks me like he wasn't expecting me to agree.

"Yeah. Okay."

Lucas splays out this frayed striped towel that almost looks like a mini rug onto the sand and then turns the lantern switch on, illuminating our faces. I've come to realize that, in any setting, Lucas will appear breathtaking. I swear, you could take his picture in the dark and he'd still come out beautiful.

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