Chapter 09: Free Muffins

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hii, guys! If you reading this please vote or comment or something because it's really hard to keep writing when no one is putting energy towards the book if you know what I mean, thank youuu 💗💗

hii, guys! If you reading this please vote or comment or something because it's really hard to keep writing when no one is putting energy towards the book if you know what I mean, thank youuu 💗💗

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We sneak through the fire escape quietly, thankfully no one comes in to yell at us for being out late.

I grab my pj shirt and glance towards the locked door. Our bathroom is shared between us then our caretakers. It's not like they shower a lot, or at all. But I'm terrified of Robby being in there when I go in.

Robby terrifies me in general. I think the others are scared of him too, I can tell. The way we all make our decisions around if he will get mad or not and how none of us leave the room besides to use the bathroom.

I'm glad we got a meal tonight, it was delicious but awkward. It felt like I was an intruder or a random puzzle piece forced into a space. Then Leo's brother caused an argument, claiming that we were just there to hurt Leo.

I understand him, well not really. But I get where he's coming from, being protective of someone you love that you think everyone around them is going to hurt them.

Everyone's doing their own thing so I turn towards the corner and quickly slip off my jacket, leaving me in a washed-out yellow sports bra I've had since I was thirteen. I quickly put on my pajama shirt, turning around.

The boys are on Walker's bed, leaning against the wall so their legs are dangling off the edge. They're looking at some schoolwork.

Alea and Mak are sitting across from each other on my bed so I decide to go join their little circle. Even though I don't have one and probably never will, a romantic relationship is important but never as important as a friendship with the same sex.

Alea was the last to get here when we were fourteen but she instantly clicked with us. Ares and Mak were here the longest since they were nine and eight. Then came Jack at ten, Walker at twelve, and me also at twelve but much later so some of them were turning thirteen.

Alea leans in, whispering some gossip from our school but her voice blurs out. My vision clouds and my ears start ringing, this happens a lot.

Her voice starts to fade in again, "And then she was at the deli store the other day, and guess who showed up."

"Let me guess, Malcom?" Mak asks in a bored voice, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Mak," Alea starts, putting a hand on her chest, "I'm so glad you're enthusiastic about the details I shared with you guys today."

She grumbles in response, rolling off the bed and leaving the room. "I liked your story," I say nodding my head a little even though I missed half of it.

Alea smiles broadly, wrapping me in a hug and rocking us. After about thirty seconds she gets up, and goes back to her bed.

I sigh and lay down, letting sleep consume me.

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