Chapter 32

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Ever since she released the Shadow King from his prison, Amaya had been restless all the time. She often went to the dead monastery and buried herself in the old scrolls that had gathered dust there. Ciaran was worried about her.

"What are you doing here?" he once went to see her.

"I'm trying to figure out how to kill Arawn. There's nothing in the library, so I was hoping maybe here, but..." she angrily threw all the scrolls and books off the table. An angry scream escaped her lips. She was trembling with anger and despair.

Ciaran hugged her. He held her tightly in his embrace.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "What did he do? Did he hurt you?'

Amaya pulled away from him and showed him the mark burned on her finger.

"That deal was not broken for some reason," she admitted. "Arawn says he doesn't know why it happened, but I'm sure he's lying."

Ciaran sighed. He was silent.

"Say something," Amaya urged desperately. "Call me stupid for trusting him. That I should never have made a deal with him. Whatever, just don't be silent. The silence is killing me."

"You didn't do anything wrong, my little goddess." he gave her a sweet smile, trying to comfort her. "At that moment it was important to save you first before we could think about the consequences."

"But you warned me and I didn't listen," she remarked.

"I was just worried about you," Ciaran said.

"And I am now," Amaya said.

Ciaran wanted to reassure her. He wanted to assure her that nothing would separate them and that he would protect her. However, nothing was certain anymore. The Shadow King was powerful and no one knew exactly what his plans were. He wished that everything was as simple as it was back in Hiraeth. No dark creatures. He forgot about death and the desire to become a king. He was only an unwanted prince and she was the king's bride whom he kidnapped. At that time, everything was simple. At least for him.

"I won't let him hurt you," he vowed.

Amaya was afraid of his promise. She was sure it would cost him his life. She hated emotions she couldn't control. The idea of his death was unbearable for her. She didn't understand how people could live with the knowledge that their dearest ones would one day turn to dust. It was destroying her.

Ciaran watched the training of soldiers preparing for war. He just stood aside and watched. His thoughts were somewhere else.

"Why aren't you training with the others?" Tristan found him.

His voice tore Ciaran out of his daydream. "Lately, the soldiers don't really like me," he replied.

"You were one of them. Then it suddenly came to light that you were not who they thought you were," Tristan remarked. "You are the queen's husband. They are just waiting for you to be crowned king by her side. They found out that you are the prince of Deira. They were raised to hate Deira from a young age. You are their enemy."

"Not for long. When I sit on the throne, Deira and the Amorite will become allies," said Ciaran.

"Don't blame them for their restraint. Understand what has been happening in Amorite in recent months. The Shadow King has ravaged this kingdom and now he is out of the shadows and our armies are forced to go to war," said Tristan.

"Now the Shadow King has Amaya in his power," Ciaran said reproachfully.

Tristan looked at him in confusion. He had concern in his eyes.

"That's why she was so focused on the war," said Ciaran. "Destruction soothes her."

Tristan smiled briefly. That part of her was well-known to him. She always liked chaos.

"What's she up to?" he asked. "She is reluctant to reveal her plans. In fact, I haven't seen her at all in a few days. And if so, only with the Shadow King by her side."

"The troops will go to the border. They will distract attention and we will get to Miramor by ship for the time being. We will not risk the lives of the soldiers here, and therefore only the Shadow King's army will travel to Deira." he informed him of the attack plan.

"And what does she plan to do with the Shadow King?" he couldn't keep the question from slipping off his tongue.

"I don't know," replied Ciaran truthfully. "But he's afraid of her, otherwise he wouldn't be following her all the time." He pointed with a look at the raven sitting on the roof. It was Abnus. Followed Ciaran.

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