Chapter 25

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"King Damon is holding a ball for lords from all over the kingdom today. He plans to attack Deira and he will need their help to do so. Deira has military superiority. If he wants to attack, he'll need every soldier." Amaya said.

"Doesn't he have the support of the Shadow King's shadow army?" asked Ciaran.

"That's the worst thing about it. It will be a massacre on both sides," said Amaya. "Arawn wants to get rid of both armies. Not only Deira will fall but also the Amorite."

"We have to stop him," Ciaran said firmly.

Deira is his home and he will not let it fall. He had already suffered as he had to watch Hiraeth go up in flames. He will not allow the same to happen to all of Deira. No matter what happened.

"That can be done only if King Damon dies and the deal between them becomes void," Amaya said. "But that won't stop Arawn. He will still try to dominate the Amorite. If I take the throne, I think I could stop him."

However, she did not admit her concerns about what it would cost. Arawn cannot be killed. He can be only controlled. Cooperate with him.

"If you take the throne, peace will finally reign between the Amorite and Deira after years," Ciaran smiled.

"Peace," she repeated the word as if it was so foreign to her.

"How do you want to get to the ball?" Ciaran asked her. "Everyone will recognize you immediately."

"Luckily, it's a masquerade ball," she replied. "Everyone will be wearing masks."

"But that doesn't explain how you want to get there. You're not invited," said Ciaran.

"You forget that I can sneak well." she gave him a mischievous smile. "And besides, Tristan will come for me. I will be his companion at the ball."

"I'll come with you," Ciaran decided.

"No." Amaya dismissed it immediately. "You're not going anywhere."

"You think you'll stop me?" he gave her a challenging look.

"We've both already convinced ourselves in Deira that I can do it," she said.

"But now you don't have Marcellus here to stand on your side," said Ciaran.

"Exactly," she grinned. "Everyone is on my side here. I'm sure Mathias will be happy if he gets the chance to handcuff you and lock you somewhere."

"You're a mean, little goddess," said Ciaran.

"I'm just protecting you," Amaya said. "Anything can go wrong in there and I can't keep an eye on you."

"Do not have to. I can take care of myself. I should be the one watching over you." he said. "After all, you are hunted by Death."

"Above all, try not to lose your own life," she told him.

Tristan has arrived. He came in a magnificent carriage with maids.

"I have brought a servant to prepare you." he handed her a beautiful dress.

Tristan was dressed in a golden suit. His coat was embroidered with ornaments in the form of intertwined branches and leaves that decorated them.

"You don't have to be afraid. They won't betray you," he said as he saw the distrust in her eyes.

"What's going on here?" asked Abnus, who had just flown in through the window. "Are you hiding something from me, Amaya?"

"Who is that?" Tristan asked in astonishment.

"No one," Amaya said.

Abnus closed himself offended. "I am a very important person," he said.

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