Chapter 24

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By flying in the clouds, the journey took much less time than on the ground on horses or, worse, on their own legs. What would normally take two days, three in those snow veils, took less than a day. From above they saw a wide landscape. Snow-covered forests and fields. The roofs of the houses in the villages covered in a white mantle. A cold wind was blowing up there. It was freezing to the bone. But the height was beautiful. The clouds formed a kind of fog high above the ground. The sun was brighter there.

Amaya enjoyed the feeling of freedom. At that, Abnus made a sharp turn. She got scared. She gripped Ciaran even tighter.

"Don't try to kill us," Ciaran urged him.

"Hold on tight and you won't die," replied Abnus.

They landed in the forest. Ciaran was glad to be back on solid ground. Amaya was also not against the certainty of the ground under her feet. Abnus transformed back into his form.

"How do you want to get to the city?" he asked them. "The walls are guarded by soldiers."

"You don't have to be afraid. We know the way." Amaya said.

Ciaran asked Amaya about the secret way through the catacombs. He didn't really look forward to ending up again in the freezing water. Amaya had to disappoint him. A few years ago, the corridor collapsed and stones blocked the way. In addition, it was guarded by a troll who skinned and ate you for not guessing the riddle.

They reached the city by the same route as before. Fortunately, this time they did not bathe in the icy waters of the river. This time was Amaya more careful. Even she didn't want to repeat her fall into a freezing river. Abnus made no effort to sneak into the Golden City. He turned into a raven and flew over the walls stealthily like a bird.

"Took you long," he told them, waiting on the other side.

"Not all of us have wings," Ciaran retorted.

"That's the misfortune of being human," Abnus smirked.

"Not all dark creatures have wings either," Amaya noted.

"I admit I'm special," Abnus said, the smile never leaving his lips.

Amaya and Ciaran rolled their eyes. They would probably prefer the bloodthirsty shadow of the Shadow King rather than this self-centered shapeshifter. He was definitely more likable as a puppy and when he wasn't talking.

"Narcissist," Amaya said.

They returned back to the house commander. Abnus was malicious. They insisted that he turn back into a raven, but he refused. And when they tried to drive him away, to force him to go wherever just not follow them, he also refused. He enjoyed contradicting them and how it angered them. He was under orders to watch over Amaya's survival, but nowhere was it written or told that he had to be nice too. He liked to provoke.

"Where are we going?" Abnus asked.

"Somewhere where it will be better if they don't know what you are," Amaya replied. "Best if they didn't see you at all."

"Why not? I am very friendly," said Abnus.

"You're not here to make friends," Amaya told him irritably.

"It's night. You don't have to sneak in." Abnus walked through the streets as if it didn't bother him at all that someone might catch a glimpse of him.

Of course, he didn't mind. He wanted to be seen.

Amaya pulled him into the thick darkness. "I swear that if..."

"Another threats?" he snapped at her. "Is that how he keeps you on his side or do you just have a penchant for dark creatures?" he laughed, directing his question at Ciaran.

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