「Chapter 15」

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Elias sat in the backseat of the car between Elena and Jeremy. Elena gazed quietly out the window while Jeremy dozed beside Elias, headphones on. Up front, Jenna was napping as Enzo focused on driving.

Bored, Elias pulled out his phone and opened up a note to review his New Orleans to-do list:

- Gain Marcel's trust

- Break the Cresent Wolves's curse

- Free Freya

- Free Davina

- Bring back Camille's brother and Vincent's wife

He wanted to ensure as many people as possible got their happy endings, just as he hoped for his own.

A second section listed with people to eliminate:

- Celeste

- The Hollow

- Mikael

- Lucien Castle

- Aurora De Martel

- Tristen De Martel

- The Strix

- Francesca Gurrera

Elias pondered also adding Esther and Dahlia as enemies, but reconsidered. Perhaps with a truth spell and conversation, they could become allies instead. 

Their combined power could then help defeat greater threats like the Hollow, Cade, the Sirens and more potential villains.

Elias smiled as he finished finalizing his New Orleans plans, deciding the Mikaelsons could wait for later. For now, he wanted to just focus on the vacation...and a few special detours along the way.

Noticing his movement, Elena turned from gazing out the window to look at him. "What are you up to over here?" she asked curiously.

Elias angled the screen to show her his notes app. Elena scanned through his to-do lists and enemy roster with widening eyes. "Well I figured this trip was about more than just tracking down our soulmates," she remarked wryly after a moment.

Elias smiled a bit sheepishly. "Yeah, I may have a few extra things in mind while we're down there."

Elena grinned and shook her head. "Well it looks like you'll have your hands full," she teased.


As the group arrived at the hotel, Jenna looked uncertain. "Are you sure you two don't want to join the walking tour with us? You just got here too."

Elias gave her a reassuring nod. "We'll be okay. Enzo and I will unpack while you three take the tour and get your bearings around the Quarter."

"Yeah, we'll manage just fine," Enzo added casually. "You all enjoy. And call if you need anything."

"Just stay out of trouble, please," Elena instructed, shooting a pointed look at Elias that clearly said she expected him to stir things up given half a chance.

He held up his hands innocently. "We'll be on our best behavior, I promise."

After Jenna and the others headed off, Elias turned to Enzo looking hesitant. "They're vulnerable here. If any vampires realize Elena's resemblance..."

Enzo sighed but nodded reluctantly. "I'll go with them."

Gratefulness filled Elias' smile. No matter his grumbling, Enzo always had his back. 

𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now