Off the Grid

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The Mask calls.

Paul was really bored again. He should've done something else as his job but this pays well. 

but there is something he could do again. 

Fucking around with that skull mask, Why? He can't get it off his mind at all, It so weird honestly.

Like what animal this is? Or Why was it there randomly a skull in the middle of the street?

He puts it on again but this time something happened. He looked around seeing a dark void and he down to see him wearing a pink uniform? No not a uniform.. Something a king should wear.

"I've been waiting a long time.." A familiar voice could be heard. I quickly turned my head to see where the voice came from

"Alex wake up already!" A clone of him slapped his face

"Hey What was that for?!?!" Pa[= Shouted at the man

"Hurry up and wake the fuck up! Alastor is going to destroy the universe to kill the gods! This is not a drill Techno!" The man was shouting but the look in his eyes tells that he's in fear

"Hey Leave me alone sir!" That person yelped back causing the unknown person to jolt his body backwards

"Do you not know what you're suppose to do Techno!?!?! WAKE UP FROM THIS DREAM TRAP" The other person tried to reason with him but to no success 

"What the Hell man?!? I have everything I wanted here!" Techno responded back "I am not going back to a place where the world hates me! Where I am going to be betrayed time and time again!! "

Chris stepped back in horror.. "You.. You are not the one..." 

His phone rings causing  Paul to wake up, He lazily walked towards the ringing phone and picked it up. 

"Hello, who is this?"

"It's me, Patrick Bateman. Do you have time tonight? I've found a new place you would like." The voice from the phone asked 

"Oh sure Bateman, where should we meet up?" Paul asked while fixing himself 

"This place called Texarkana, let's meet up at 8"

"Oh, but Patrick, I can get us a table at Dorsia if you want" 

"Oh no no, this place is better" Patrick assures 

"If you say so.."



I can't remember... What's happening to me?.. I can't move my body... Get me out of here...Please... Why did I want to stay here again? Hey Jalter, you mind saving me? whos Jalter? why am I crying?

I hear something... I think?... Music?


Why is there a axe coming towards my face?

"Oh, Techno's soul died now" Alastor noticed his body became lighter

"Hiya.. I feel kind of useless" Death sighed as she ripped apart someone's body to pieces  

"Hey! Don't say that, you're perfect as you are, you actually might be the most perfect and beautiful being of this universe" Alastor borrowed Techno's way of the rizz 

Death laughed at him "You're trying to seduce me now? this old hag?"

"old hag? you don't look a day over 25" Alastor continued his flirt

"Look here, when we're done I'll give you a chance alright?" Death turned her head away covering her face from Alastor

Alastor cracked his knuckles and summoned a divine spear "there's some rats here"

"Tsk, GO PLAN B" a loud shouting by Mordred came behind a tree


A Hour earlier...


"soooo.. I have to wear this helmet as a last resort?" Gudako was holding a engraved helmet 

"Yeah but we should try to kill Techno without the helmet first" Merlin suggested

"Yeah, I too would like it if I could get the demon out of my father's body" Mordred said while chewing on some beef ribs but no one paid enough attention to her words

"But I still don't understand what this helmet does Romani!" Gudako whined

Romani sighed "it disconnects the your mana supply to that body alright?"


"I got it!" Merlin jumped off his feet with excitement

"So this is the plan"

Yo yo merry Christmas, I know it's a short chapter but I wanted something for you guys for Christmas since I'm a nice guy, I hope yall have a lovely day


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