Arc 3: L.O.V.E

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 this arc is a build up to the next arc and this will most likely be the longest Arc so uhhh enjoy the ride.

I love you guys

This means in thought if you forgot









Techno: If you like.. get chopped up and the only thing that's still intact is your eye.. Then you're like.. super dead

Jalter was silently staring at techno

 they were both sitting at a bar

Mordred suddenly came through the door 

Mordred: Hey hey!  

Techno: oh, Wassup Mordred

Mordred: I've been bored lately let's fight

Techno: Ask Jalter, I bet she got some anger to let out

Jalter: Quite the opposite actually

She took a sip of wine

Jalter: Pretty relaxed if you asked me, You should go entertain her Techno

Techno: God dammit, dealing with kids is hard

It's been 5 months after Mordred has been summoned

For the first month Mordred was alright

but as time went on she craved for more fights

So Gudako had to bring her to the 6th singularity in America along with EMIYA

But the worse part is when they came back, they didn't buy any Macdonald's for us!

Techno and Mordred went to master and asked to set up a field, which she didn't have a say in

The field glowed with light before calming down revealing a grass plain

Techno: Now let-

Mordred suddenly swung her sword right at his face 

but techno blocked it with his own sword

Techno: really? if you're doing a surprise attack then do it right

Techno pushes Mordred away

Mordred: Heh, rate it out of 10

Techno: 2

Mordred: Mannn fuck you




After 3 hours of nonstop fighting 

Mordred finally won once after 832 fights


Techno: And I won like 700 times, probably more, idk I stopped counting after 20

Mordred's pride took a hit

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