Some blond woman is stopping me from killing Orphans pls help me

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The fight took 30 seconds

 20 seconds was killing all but one soldier

 10 seconds getting information to from last guy and killing him

Gudako looked on with joy as her servant stands on top of the corpses.

"Thank god I got something good"

"Thank god that my teammates are starting to get useless" Techno responded

"HEY!" Gudako snapped back to reality

Techno felt weird after killing the soldiers. He never killed anyone but should he feel something about this?

"Did I lose my humanity by any chance?" He wondered to himself

V: you probably did, I'm just here to help you remain calm at all times

T: That's really nice to know, what else can you do?

V: stuff

T: You need a better explanation than that

"Hey so how do we find people that could help us?" Ritsuka slowly asked

"Don't worry I got that covered" Techno started to walk in a random direction

"Come on follow the line leader, one by one now guys"

"Are you sure that's the right way?" Mash asked

"Of course, just trust me and we will arrive right away"

"If you say so"

They all walked for like 2 minutes until they arrived to a camp

"Qui es-tu!" (Who are you!)

Mash answered before techno

"We are reinforcements!" Just imagine that's in French

After some back and forth talking they were accepted in

They were chilling until an attack came and hearing about how king Charles died by Jeanne d'arc

"Everyone! At the front now!" Some French dude screamed out

Groups of Wyvern came and started killing people

Saber and Ritsuka was on vanguard while Mash supports them
And Gudako and Techno switch when Ritsuka needs to tap out

In the end of the fight a random blond woman came out of the bushes just like how the Vietnamese's did

"Hello my friends! do you need some help by any chance?" The strange woman offered 



(A/n, I gave up translating)

Techno saw everything

"I never knew that the soldiers hated blond women so much"  techno joked

Saber felt like somebody mentioned her

After killing the last Wyvern they went to the woman

"Who are you" Saber asked

"Ahem- my name is Jeanne d'Arc"

"Woah Jeanne?!?!, As in the ruler class and the one that died 3 days ago in this singularity and the one being called the dragon witch!?!" Romani suddenly yelled out

 "Ah- Yes yes that- wait no I'm not the dragon witch but the original self. umm I can't use my ruler skills for some reason, I think its because of my other self being called the dragonwitch and whoever it is I got to stop them from hurting more people in my name" 

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