CH : 6 - Girl secrets - Cloud recesses arc (part 3)

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The classes are starting and I still haven't seen Jiang Wanyin. Oh come on Wei Wuxian, do you have to sleep so late and get him late too?!

Speak of the handsome devil. There he is, running together with Jiang Cheng to get to their seats before beard man comes.

They had barely sat down before a silence suddenly broke out. Lan Qiren had entered the room.

Every single young master straightened their backs and looked forward. Lan Wangji didn't even have to fix anything, he was already sitting so perfectly.

Good news is, Jiang Cheng is sitting in front of me. Due to me having higher cultivation than him I can stare at him without revealing my gaze.

Now, you might be wondering 'why did you get caught by wangxian that night if you are so strong?'. I'm going to be honest, I did it intentionally to be able to get into cloud recesses.

Either way im not worried since I would have entered either way.

The class is officially starting and ..... I am bored as hell! Do you have to recite the Lan clan rules right now?

I tried to listen to class and what I heard was shocking and terrifying.

"Now that I have recited the clan rules I trust that noone will break them. To make sure that you listened, I would like one of you to recite the rules, Ya Meiying, if you would stand up and recite them please." Said the old beard man.


What am I supposed to do!? I didn't fucking listen!

Despite my rampaging thoughts, the outside me seemed calm and collected without an ounce of worry.

I looked like a proper member of the Lan clan. It didn't take long before I realized that my brain had actually registered everything he said. Thank God! Saving me from the embarrassment.

Confident, I stood up and started saying every rule word by word according to how he said them.

"Do not befriend evil, do not bribe, do not get bribed, be humble, do not prey on the weak" and so I continued on.

After I recited the rules word by word Lan Qiren allowed me to finally sit down and continued with the lessons.

He even asked me some questions and I answered all of them correctly. Most of the young masters were surprised or should I say dumbfounded that I could answer questions that they themselves had a hard time answering so easily.

It didn't take long before class ended. As everyone was walking out of the classroom, I decided to let Wei Wuxian see me looking at Jiang Cheng.

After Wei Wuxian observed for a while and saw that my gaze was that of a woman in love, he took my hand and led me to some place where noone was.

After letting go of my hand I looked at him confused. 'What was he doing?'

A five second silence befell before he said :

"You like Jiang Cheng, don't you?"

I was honestly surprised that he figured it out so soon. Seeing as it was the first time I was confronted about my feelings for a boy, I got flustered.

Wei Wuxian, upon seeing my honest reaction knew he was right and smiled brightly.

"You do actually like him! Oh how times have changed, Jiang-shidi is getting girls. Soooo, tell me how did you fall in love with him?" He asked excitedly.

"I'm not in love, especially not in your Jiang-shidi." I denied strongly not because it was some sort of plan but because I was genuine and wasn't the type to plot. Besides it was embrassing admitting it, especially when the only one who would know is the one and only Wei Wuxian!

"Denying it strongly is a sign that shows that your actually are in love" he said teasingly.

"FINE I like him! Got a problem with that?" I said looking at him. My face that had gone back to its original colour was now clad in red an my ears almost the colour of blood.

"Heh, I knew it. So tell me, how did you fall for him?"

"Wait, why did you assume I was the one who fell for him first and not the other way around?" I asked.

"Well, we all know Jiang Cheng. You cannot have made him fall for you, atleast not yet. Hell you haven't even exchanged greetings even once!"

"Alright, I'm not gonna deny that. If I did, I would be straight up lying to myself."

"So, how about I set the two of you up on a date? How would you feel about me calling you sister-in-law?"

My face that had once again calmed down, heated up yet again.


"Alright, first thing I've gotta do is introduce you to him. Then we can think of the marriage and kids."

HUH! What is he talking about! Kids?! My face flushed even redder that a tomato.

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