Chapter 28

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It's about 7:38pm. Iris is asleep in my arms. And she's the one who said she wanted to stay up until midnight. I should put her into bed. I am 100% not waking her up when she's this peaceful.

I slowly get up, off the couch. I gently pick Iris up in my arms. Wow, she's light. I hold her closely to my chest and walk upstairs slowly and quietly.

I reach my room and tuck her into my bed. I'm not going to sleep with her even though I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with her. I won't do something which she doesn't consent of.

I sit on the side of the bed and watch her sleeping, so peacefully. God. I have to make our relationship real. I can't pretend anymore. I have to confess to her.

I guess I'll go sleep in one of the guest rooms since I really didn't prepare for Iris to stay here. I gently kiss her on her forehead and leave the room.

I go into one of the many guest rooms, make the bed and I try to sleep. I pull out my phone. All I can do is stare at pictures of Iris. I'm hers. And she's mine.

(Sorry if this chapter is too short T-T)

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