Chapter 13

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"Wait, really?" I say smiling. "If it beats you touching other men then yes," Rhys says coldly. "Yay!" I say as I rush to get him a pair of skates.

He pays for his pair of skates and I show him how to properly put them on. "Wow, a stupid CEO, skating. Just for meee," I tease. "Shut the f*ck up," Rhys says, looking embarrassed.

I ruffle his hair and he blushes extremely faintly. "Iris, stop," he says sternly. "Okay okay, let's go onto the ice," I say. He wobbles while walking on his skates. We're finally on the ice. I really miss this feeling of getting onto the ice and doing my best performance.

Rhys just stands there. Surprisingly he's scared to move. "Come on, don't be such a pussy," I say. "I'm not a pussy. I mean not everyone has ice skated half their life," he says arrogantly. I wink at him.

I sigh and extend my hand. "Hold my hand and I'll help you," I say. "I don't need your help," he rolled his eyes. I pushed him lightly and he fell on his ass. I was dying of laughter. "Pussy," I teased.

He looked super embarrassed. "I'm sorry, darling," I said sarcastically as I reached out my arm to help him. He took my hand and got back up to his feet. "B*tch," he says.

"Alright, just trust me now," I chuckle. "It's difficult to do that," he says. I hold his hand and slowly move my feet on the ice. He's trying to keep a calm expression but he's failing.

I move gracefully even while holding Rhys's hand. I don't make a single mistake. "How the f*ck are you holding my hand, helping me skate and still skating so well?" Rhys asked.

"I used to figure skate with a partner," I say, looking down onto the light blue ice. "You quit or...?" he asks me curiously. "Yeah I...quit," I say while slowing down. "If you don't mind me asking, why?" he says.

"It's a long story and you probably don't want to hear my bullsh*t," I reply. "No it's alright, moonlight. Tell me and I'll listen. I promise," he says. Wow he's actually being sweet to me?

I talk to him while we're still on the ice. "I used to figure skate together with my ex-boyfriend. We were partners and used to compete as a duo," I say. Rhys nods attentively still holding my hand.

"At first he was all sweet, caring and you know. Soon after he started becoming aggressive and abusive because I was apparently terrible at skating. He made me starve myself all the time." I say. "What an asshole," mutters Rhys.

"I-I...even used to get s*xually assaulted by him," I say with a shakey voice. "So I just broke up with him and decided to never skate with a partner," I say with a sad voice. I still remember what that b*stard put me through.

Rhys looks at me warmly and pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry you had to experience that, moonlight, " he says with a warm, shakey voice. He gently kisses my forehead. Rhys Anderson doing all this... Wow I'd never expect it.

"Moonlight, what was that b*stard's full name," Rhys asks me his grip on my hand tightening a bit. "Why...?" I ask. "Just trust me, Iris. Tell me his full name and his appearance. Please," he asks.

"His name is Andre Miller. He's blonde with  brown eyes," I say reluctantly. "Thank you, Iris," he says looking deeply into my ice blue eyes.

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