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Lucian's Pov

Annoyance was the only emotion i could fucking feel right now.

Too many people and forced smiles everywhere, i just can't stand it and right now I am on a mission that is avoiding my fiancee and that has been going well so far.

I stepped out of my office making sure to lock the door behind me, we can never be too careful.

I walked down the hallway preparing to meet my father after rex my beta and my best friend mind linked me that my father was looking for me.

He knows very well that i hate these kind of gatherings, the air is just too suffocating. you would think that after 3 years of hosting this event i'll get used to it but its a big fucking no.

I hasten my footsteps wanting to get over this faster when the strawberries hit me, my wolf instantly awoken saying one thing over again "mate".

My whole body froze, 'am i really prepared to meet my mate' i thought to myself, following the scent of strawberries, i walked further down the hall where the scent led me stopping in front of my art room which confused me, the door was slightly open and her scent stronger here, i opened the door making sure not to cause a noise which will startle her.

There she was sitting on my stool, staring intently at my newest work which was half done. Her petite frame was in a black dress which look faded, while her red hair fell in front of her face.

" like what you see" i finally spoke up noticing the way her body stiffened before she turned slowly keeping her eyes trained on my shoes.

I want to see her eyes so i waited a bit to see if she would look up but she didn't and if there's one thing i lack its patience.

"Look at me" i spoke again watching her every move as she did so letting her eyes trail slowly up till she finally held my gaze and fuck me!, her eyes were a gorgeous blue colour, immediately she dropped her gaze and i could visibly see her body shiver and not in a good way might i add.

I could smell fear in the room and it was so strong. Is she scared of me? Deciding to ignore the answer to that question for now.

"I can see you've taken a liking to the unfinished painting" i stepped forward wanting to hear her voice and ease her fear but she backed away forgetting shes sitting on a stool which causes her to fall backward but i caught her in time pulling her forward into my chest.

I could feel the tingle every where our skin made contact but most importantly her body went rigid and i could hear her heart beating hard and fast while she was hyperventilating, its like shes having a panic attack.

" calm down....breathe slowly, in...out..follow my breathing" i spoke softly but she seemed to have a hard time doing so.

" slowly, angel slowly" i whispered while rocking her gently.

I sat on the stool holding her close to me, she seemed to be getting a hang of it, her breathing normalized but the all too familiar smell of fear still lingered in the air.

" am really really sorry, please am sorry...sorry" i heard her quiet voice plead with something behind it, desperation, my blood was boiling by now thinking of what she would have gone through for her to feel this way .

" look at me" i spoke trying to hide the fact that i was literally a ticking bomb waiting to explode but failed due to the fact that she shivered and i could feel goosebumps appearing on her soft skin.

She opened her eyes meeting mine which were already looking at hers, as if just figuring our sitting position with her on my lap, she tried wiggling out of my grip and that pissed me off further.

There's something odd about her, its either the fact that i can't sense what she is or the fact that he recoils whenever i try to touch her.

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