Chapter 13

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"What the fuck......" Ryan jumped to his feet and threw open the door to Sallie's bedroom. He glanced around and saw River open his door. "Did you hear that? Was that real?"

"I thought....." 


The twins' eyes widened at Wyatt's scream before bolting down the stairs. They found the dark living room empty and their friend at the door to the basement. 

"It's stuck. I saw her talking to someone and the door was open. The ball fell and the next thing I know the door slammed shut and she's gone!" Wyatt's panicked voice explained as they pulled at the doorknob. 

"Riley?!" Ryan called out. "Maybe it's locked from the inside?" 

"I don't know! I just heard the scream and...." 

"Wait...that was her screaming?!" River paused from pulling at the door. 

The click of the lock sounded and the door knob turned. The boys paused a split second before they were down the dark stairs. 


She was standing in front of the hole in the back wall and Ryan reached out a hand to touch her. 

"Riley?" When she didn't move, he walked around the front of her. " okay?" His eyes scanned over her quickly before snapping his fingers in front of her face. "Riles?" 

She blinked and shook her head. "Ryan?" 

"Yeah.....hey. What happened?" His hand went to her arm and turned her around gently, guiding her to one of the chairs they had sat at a few hours before. 

"I don't know." She shook her head again, frowning as she realized where she was suddenly. "I was in the kitchen and heard Wyatt talking in the living room. I turned around to set up one of the REMPODs and the door was open. I heard you guys downstairs and next thing I know, you're snapping your fingers." She winced a little as she shifted in her chair, her wrist throbbing as she adjusted. 

"We were upstairs." River shook his head.

"Why did you scream?" 

"I didn't." 

"We heard you scream." 

"I don't remember." She looked up to see Wyatt, his face pale and pupils huge. "Are you okay?"

"Me?" The redhead scoffed. "I'm a little shaky but long as you're okay....." 

"I think I want to go outside." She stood and shuddered. "I need some air." 

"Yeah....let's take a break." 


An hour later, Riley sat on the porch steps. She took another drink of her water and glanced at Wyatt. "You're quiet." 

"Am I? Sorry." He looked over at her and smiled a little. 

"Are you okay?" 

" just freaked me out a little.....when you screamed....or whoever screamed." 

"We're all okay." She reached out a hand and punched his shoulder lightly. "I'll protect you." 

He laughed. "Thanks."

"No problem." 

The door opened and the twins stepped out. "We've got everything." Ryan announced as he closed the door. "I wanted to do a walk through to make sure. We ready to go home?" 

"Hell yes." River said as he helped Riley up. 

"Let's get out of here then. Bye, Sallie." Ryan grinned and waved at the house as he opened the passenger door. 

"Bye, Ryan." River's creepy voice drifted over the hood of the car. 

"Get your ass in the car." Ryan flipped his brother off and climbed in. 

Riley glanced out the back window as they drove off, her eyes catching the slight movement of the curtain in one of the upstairs bedroom windows. Her brow furrowed for a split second before  she returned her attention to the boys. "Can we stop at Starbucks? I'll buy." 

"Deal." River turned the blinker on and headed towards the nearest coffee shop. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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