Chapter 11

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Six months later

Riley looked up at the door as she heard the knock. "Yeah?"

The door opened and she smiled as Copper jumped off the bed and ran toward River. "Hey, sis. We wanted to know if you wanted to join us for another location. We have something in mind and want you to help."


"Come on." He motioned across the hall and he left the room, leaving Riley to follow him into the office.

"Sup." Ryan looked over toward his siblings and took his headphones off. "We got a chance to check out a location for the second time but we want to focus our investigation in the basement. We have an idea. Well...Seth did it in the Conjuring House but we wanted to try it."

Riley tilted her head. "Oookayyyy. What is it?"

"We want you to tie us up in the basement." River grinned.

She narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

"We want to be able to focus on what we're getting and not be able to run." Wyatt smirked.

"You mean not have Ryan run." Riley joked.

"Ha. Ha." Ryan made a face.

"Where is it?"

"The Sallie house."

Her eyes widened. "Seriously? Are you guys nuts?"

"Probably." Wyatt shrugged.

Riley looked at all three guys as she considered it for a long second. "I have a stipulation."

"What?" Ryan folded his arms across his chest and sat back in his chair.

"I'll do it but I want to try the Estes."

The guys looked at each other.

"We'll see." Ryan nodded.


River led the way down the stairs with the others following slowly. Wyatt lit up the stairs so they could see where they were going until River reached the bottom and turned his light around to help them.

Riley saw the table with chairs in the center of the small area, a few feet from a dark spot on the floor. "That's the pentagram?"

"Yeah. They tried to burn it but that's what's left." Wyatt explained.

She brushed against the wall as she avoided her feet touching it. Pulling one of the chairs out, she stopped as she heard footsteps above her head.

"Footsteps." River whispered.

"Okay. We've got the spirit box. I'll put it on the table." Ryan looked around the area. "I'll put a REM pod on the stairs....and the music box at the top of the stairs."

Creepy music sounded as the machine calibrated. The guys each pulled out a chair and sat down. Wyatt's camera faced their chairs and Ryan's was positioned towards the table for a wider angle from the corner.

"Here are these, sis." Ryan held up the zip ties. "Make sure they're tight enough that we can't wiggle out."

"Are you guys sure about this?"

"No." River spoke up immediately.

Wyatt chuckled.

"What? This seemed like a good idea when we were at home where we don't have a potential demon." River's voice was nervous as he tried to lighten the tension.

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