Chapter 1

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She woke up with a start, her breath catching in her chest to stop the scream. Weird, she thought. That was definitely weird. Rolling over in her bed and uncovering her head, she saw the clock read 3:30 am. Sighing, she peeked out a little further and scanned her bedroom, the dream still in her head. She left her bed and walked into her adjoining bathroom for a drink of water.


At breakfast the next morning, Riley shuffled into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get the orange juice. She closed the door and turned, almost dropping the jug as her eyes caught sight of River coming into the room.

"You okay?" He tilted his head as he watched her.

"Yeah, just scared me that's all." She shook her head. "I didn't expect you guys up so early. What time did you get in?"

"About five. We caught some good shit though. Wyatt got freaked out and Ryan screamed.....of course."

She smirked. "Of course." She pulled down two glasses and poured him a glass too. "Are you heading back to bed? It's early."

"Mmmhmm." He mumbled as he took a big gulp. "Ryan and Wyatt have a call to hop on around two. A new place maybe next week. We want you to go." He grinned. "Your first hunt."

"Maybe." She shrugged. "You've promised me twice before."

"Yeah yeah." He shook his head and turned around, grabbing the small bag of chocolate donuts and shuffling back towards his room.


An few hours later, she looked up from her phone to see Ryan coming into the living room.

"Sup, sis."

"I heard last night was a good one."

"Freaky as shit, Riles. I'm almost hoarse from all the screaming. Wyatt was freaking my ass out, no shit."

She grinned.

"Shut up."

She shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He rolled his eyes.

"Riv was up around 9 but went back to bed. I haven't seen Wyatt."

"We've got a call in about an hour. I wanted to do some research before they call."

"What is it?"

"A cabin. It's supposedly haunted by a killer and his victims." He dropped down on the couch and pulled out his phone. "Not sure about much but it's been on our list for a while."

"And I get to go this time?"

He looked up from his phone at her.


"We'll see."

She sighed. "You know I want to go at least once, right? I already told you that I'd be good."

"It ain't you that I'm worried about."

" your research and then decide. You've had places worse before."

"We'll see." He said again.


She looked up from her laptop as her bedroom door opened. "What's up?" She asked as she slid the headphones off.

"We want to talk to you about possibly going with us on Thursday night." River grinned, winking at her and holding a thumbs up.

"Oh Lord." She grinned back, rolling her eyes playfully. Sliding off the bed, she followed her brother across the hall into the makeshift office. Seeing her other brother and Wyatt looking serious, she sat down on the arm of the chair. "This is very cloak and dagger, guys."

Wyatt smirked a little.

"So we have a job this week. This was where a guy killed some women. We don't know if the stories are true or not but people have caught some evidence of a few of the victims and what could be him."


"Supposedly if you take a female, things get more active." Wyatt said quietly.

"So I'm bait."

"No." Ryan spoke up immediately. "You're not bait."

"Tomato potato." She snarked playfully.

"It's a win-win. You get to go and we could possibly get good evidence." River tried to lighten the tension from his brother.

"But you don't agree." Riley met Ryan's eyes. "You don't want me to go."

"It's not that. You know that. I just don't want you hurt."

She shook her head. "I'll do what you say. I'll glue myself to you guys. You'll barely know I'm there."

"No, this is supposed to be fun but it's also serious." River glanced at Wyatt and then Ryan.

"I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not a hundred percent on board with this. The guys talked me into it." Ryan held up a hand to stop his sister's words. "It's not that I don't want you to go with us. I'm just not sure I want your first one to be at a place where this guy murdered......brutally murdered a bunch of young girls."

"What can I do to change your mind?"

"Nothing. This is on me, not you." Ryan answered seriously.

Riley nodded. "Okay. If you guys want me to go, you know where to find me." She nodded once more and left the room, closing the door to her bedroom to let them talk.

River waited for the door to close. "Well that went well." He said sarcastically.

Ryan shot him a look. "Fuck me for being concerned."

"That's not what I'm saying, bro. I'm worried too but is it because it's Riley. Would we be this hesitant if it was another female?"

Wyatt nodded. "Maybe.....but maybe not as much. Don't get me wrong, I understand. I've got two younger sisters. Like I said, it's up to you two. I'll back whatever decision you guys make."

"Thanks." Ryan stood and fist bumped the redhead. "I'll see you boys tomorrow."

River watched his brother leave and sighed. 

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