Chapter 10

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"My eyes stabbed my heart as ever no one words can." - Raelynn

She about loosened by his touch but he wouldn't, he kissed her neck passionately and sucked a little. His kiss made her moan his name.


he released his kiss and faced her

"Thank you, My caramel"


"Yes...My Caramel" he responds by sniffing her.

"I have many moles around my body," she said to him regretfully. As for Raelynn, she didn't love her body, even if it was perfect.

"They aren't yours, they're mine, my chocolate chips, let me taste it." he sucks
his chocolate chip from her neck.

Depart reddish hickey on her neck.

Raelynn's jaw is open on period Kalvin's hands on her thigh squeezing a sexier.

"Ka-Kalvin, we shouldn't "

"But, we could" he reacted to her with a sexy smirk.

His words made her eyes widen, she tried her best to vacate from him, although she failed.

"You know, how hard for me to control to undress this damn from your skin and make you mine? Completely? Caramel?" Kalvin blows his words at her.

"Ka-Kalvin, Y-You, W-what?" her words were twitching.

He smiled at her, brushed her hair behind her ear and bit her earlobe softly. Raelynn was lost with all pleasure by him.

Both attention suddenly went through the door, where Lilly's voice was breaking.

Kalvin released her from his grip by placing a kiss on the cheek. Momentarily she neat up her dress, and hair and grabbed the plate.

She thanked Lilly as she could in her thoughts and opened the door, by all her way Kalvin's sexy gaze was on her.

"What are doing here Raelynn? "Lilly said crossing her hands at her chest.

Raelynn's face was lighted with a little blush as for earlier scenes.

"Ohh..Are you working for a baby?" Lilly declares words, Raelynn's body sends a shock down her spine by her words. Kalvin chuckled at Lilly's words.

"My cutie, Who told you this?" Kalvin questioned her.

"Mama told me to not disturb you both, I questioned her, and she replied you both were working for baby" Lilly replied by hugging him.

"Oh Lilly" Kalvin hugged her.

Raelynn left the room by using this scene but was caught up by him.

Customary scene.

"Get ready at 7, caramel "

She nodded at him with a confused face and vacated the room.

Her heart was racing, she couldn't control her hands shivering, even if it gave her a small blush doing husband and wife assignments. However, she was clueless about his words, at 7.

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