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It has been almost 6 months since I have been in the baroni house and alot has changed. My knees are finally not covered in bandages and my wound is all healed up but the scars left on them are bright and ugly . On Days i really wished they were covered up like before because then I won't be reminded everyday what Mourad did .

I started my physiotherapy with Elijah last week but so far there is no sign of movement above my toes . Elijah took me to his hospital for xray of my legs and other medical related stuff . The doctor in his hospital said due to the trauma of the nails embedded into my knees the ligaments around them were completely destroyed . Though the tissues are repairing again there is still no guarantee if I will be ever able to run again . Apart from that, life has been pretty happening these days . I wake up and get to eat lijahs hand made pancakes everyday which have turned out to be my top ten fav things to eat . I then spend my time in the library reading. If I am not reading me and reo gang up on emileo and annoy him .

Last week reo helped me sneak emileos fav guitar out of his room  without him noticing . Emileo likes to play the guitar everyday before he goes to bed and since he hasn't been able to do that since a week he has gone bonkers . "Celest I swear on every single one of my girlfriend's if I don't find my baby by today I will throw you in the pool while you are sleeping" emileos whole face was red as if he was going to burst into fumes any second.

I turned towards reo after emileo left the room and we both started laughing. He high fived me but i accidentally missed it and ended up swatting his face . "Ouch celest I am the twin you love remember" i giggled and apologized with my hugs . "Alright so are you having any more nightmares these days " sometimes reo likes to sneak in a few questions about what's going on inside my head but that boy is really bad at it sneaking anything.

"Reo stop worrying I am just fine " that's what I have been telling myself everyday these past couple of months . After the time Aaron woke me up from one of my nightmares the day we went shopping the nightmares had stopped for a while but then Aaron went away out of no where without even telling me and ever since then the  nightmares came back . These days my nightmares are more like memories. I am not a part of the memory rather looking at the event happening to me from a third person perspective.I don't know going through what I went through is worse or looking at it is worse .

I didn't realise i zoned out until someone threw a pillow at me . Leo was in front of me waving his hands around to get my attention. I slapped his hands which were way near my face . "Welcome back from lala land" leo said but he had a look on his face which normally people have when they are concerned. Na leo would never be concerned about me .

I rolled my eyes at his comment and looked around the room to see all my brothers were present in the room . How long was i zoned out god . "You okay bear" Elijah asked who was sitting accross from me on the couch with zander beside him . "For God sake can everyone stop asking me that" reo installed a new app on my phone which converts text to speech so i have been using that since a couple of weeks when i am talking with more than one person. It's much more convenient this way as everyone doesn't have to read what I wrote one by one .

"Start acting like you are fine and we can stop being concerned about you "leo said in a high pitch which was different from the pitch he normally uses with me . I don't like the way he talking with me right now . As if I am nothing but a burden .

I never asked for his concern . He has been nothing but unpleasant since I met him and now he is saying he is concerned? Like please . "well i never asked you to be concerned about me " I said and meant every word of it .

All my brothers passed a look around the room as if I am mentally unstable and having a outburst again . I am not fucking crazy . "Stop with playing the victim card celest it's fucking exhausting you can drop the fucking act now" leo said with frustration like he was making any sense .

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