Bonus - Doc and Duncan

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*Duncan's POV

To my dismay, it took several weeks to complete the first part of the process as quite a few of the Alpha commands did not take the first time. Typically, an order can only be given to a Blood Alpha when it's emerging during a first shift. The Mahani had to use more power than they ever had to before, or at least that was what they told me. My beautiful mate and I completed the marking as soon as the last command was given since we were holding out because of that, or we would have been mated the first week she stayed with me.

The power transfer was rough on everyone as it took all seven Mahani Blood Alphas to accomplish. It felt like my skin was on fire. I can now pass through an Alpha ring and manipulate water. Doc taught me to use her powers by playing with warm water and ice. I was surprised by how easy it was to learn, but I did notice quite a bit of information was still pouring through the mate bond.

My pack took to her readily. Doc's personality is fun-loving and friendly, even with the work she does. She always smiles and laughs for everyone, even when I feel her pain through our bond. She is amazingly strong.

I still call her Snow in private, as my personal endearment, but everyone else calls her Doc. She is everything I could ever have wanted in a Luna. I couldn't be happier.

We are having our ceremony today. I watched a video of her sister's, so I know what it entails. We have something similar to those who want it, but we have yet to use it within my lifetime. I believe my Luna will change that.

Our meeting hall, which can hold double my pack of 250 souls, is decorated in soft blues, white, and silver. My black tuxedo is accented with silver instead of white. My stunningly beautiful Luna is dressed in white with a silver accent, like a human wedding. We look total opposites.

We walked together down a central aisle, up to a podium where Mahani Blood Alpha Cooper stands. His eyes are glassy, and I know this is hard for him and his Luna. They lost two of their daughters and one of the girl's best friends to mates within a month.

"Thank you all for coming, and welcome to all," Blood Alpha Cooper begins. "We have come together today to celebrate the love the Moon Goddess bestows on us when our wolf finds 'that one person.' That one person who compliments us to make us the best we can be—that one person who we will love forever, fated or choice. I ask you all to take a moment to understand that while fate can be cruel, it can also bring us great joy and that one person who completes us. We will begin by letting Beth 'Doc' Cooper-Kincaid and her mate, Blood Alpha Duncan Kincaid, recite their chosen prose to show their love and devotion for each other."

My mate told me we could change her name back to Beth if I wanted, but within the Mahani, she will always be Doc. I am okay with her keeping Doc as long as she is now known as Dr. Kincaid.

My mate was to speak first, and all eyes were on her; however, her baby blues never left my face.

"If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can't I paint you? The words will never show, the you I've come to know.

If a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go? My place will always be home with you.

You're all I'll ever need, and when my love for life is running dry, you come and pour yourself on me.

If a girl could be two places at one time, I'd always be with you, tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.

If the world should stop revolving, spinning slowly down to die, I'd spend the end with you.

And when the world was through, then one by one the stars would all go out. Then you and I would simply fly away, on our never-ending love." 

My breath hitched as she finished. The love pouring through the mate bond matched her face, and I was overwhelmed. I took a moment to thank the Moon Goddess for giving her to me.

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