Reject me

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I woke up in the same dirt-filled place where I had lost my consciousness.


I raised my face up from the mud, my mind a mess and dizzy. It felt like the world moved around me when I sat up and that's when I realized I was out because I don't remember going blank but considering how much I was enduring, that was sort of the last-case scenario.

I gulped, trying to lubricate my throat but my mouth felt so dry it was like I hadn't had a sip of water in days.

My head hurt and I shook it to clear up my vision as well

"Oh God..." As soon as I came to, I started shivering. I looked at the veil of vines as I listened to the pattering of rain.

It still hasn't stopped?

How long was I out?

I shook my head and looked down at myself. Looks like the heat has stopped.

I gulped again, then licked my lips and stood up.

But why would it stop out of the blue? That's not how heat works...

I had a bad feeling about it and my wolf was quiet too.

I tried reaching out to her but she didn't respond.


But well, it has stopped, so I should avail this time and talk to Asher. I need to get out of this place anyway.

I walked to the vines, pushing them aside, I went out into the rain. The storm had calmed down a lot, it wasn't raining as heavily as before so it was easier to walk through it.

I wonder if he went back to the cave, or if he's still out looking for me?

The second option made my heart ache.

I hope he went back...

The sky was even darker now, which meant the sun was going down soon. I let out a sigh and began to walk towards the cave.

I let out a sigh as I realized what had happened.

Staying close to my destined partner was changing my body. My wolf was excited all the time and she wanted to be near Asher, but I couldn't afford that.

I wanted to reject that and my wolf retaliated and went into heat. She probably wanted me to give in since a heat can't be resisted. It's too painful, that's why I passed out.

As I walked back towards the cave, my heart felt so heavy I felt like I was drowning. I could say I had no idea why I was feeling so bad but I'm pretty sure it's because I'm going to Asher to tell him to reject me.

My stomach churned and I found myself hurting. It was like my heart rate was slowing down but my wolf still refused to respond to me.

I took a deep breath when the cave came into view. I saw Asher sitting in the front, his head lowered in defeat while he looked tired.

"Asher," His ears perked up and he shot his head towards me when I whispered his name.

"Nico?" He came running to me, "Nico!" He came and almost took my hands in his, "Where were-" But I cut his words as I stepped away from him, not allowing him to touch me.

"Reject me." I didn't even give him the time to say anything properly.

He froze, his eyes grew wide and a confused expression took over his face, "What?"

"Reject me," I said again as I looked at him with fake confidence, "Because I reject you." My wolf howled in pain, finally coming alive as I said the words out aloud. She screamed at me, gnawing at my mind. The rejection was already painful enough, she made it worse by torturing my mind

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