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The river below loomed closer, my heart pounding in my chest as the reality of my fall set in. My bag fell off me, all my things clattered around on the ground while I hit the water with a jarring impact, the cold shock stealing my breath as the current tried to carry me away.

But the tiger on top of me bound me in place, drowning me in the water.

I closed my mouth to not let any water in but the initial impact already made me swallow a lot. I struggled to get the beast off me while I tried to conserve my oxygen.

It was a terrifying moment. I couldn't even see properly from under the water while the tiger pressed its weight down on me. Then its mouth came into the water and I felt his brush against my skin. My heart skipped a beat in terror and I felt its claws try to grip me more when suddenly it got knocked off of me and I instantly got myself up to get some air.

I gasped as I came out of the water. Taking deep breaths as the water fell off of my clothes and hair I looked to the other side of the river where a fight was going on.

His eyes blazed fiercely and anyone could tell Killian was angry. The clash between them was sudden, a blur of motion as the tiger lunged with blinding speed as soon as he figured Killian was coming for him but Killian still lunged on him, and the other party met the attack head-on. Their collision was explosive, the impact echoing through the forest as teeth and claws clashed.

Each time their headbutt my body jerked.

The werewolf's fur bristled as he met the tiger's attack, his fangs bared in a silent snarl. His claws raked through the air, seeking to find purchase on the tiger's flank. The predator's response was equally swift, its claws slashing in a flurry of deadly strikes.

I looked away.

The scene was terrifying and I had to get myself out of the water. I grabbed the grabbed and pulled myself out of the water and let my body relax a little. Then glanced back at them.

Their bodies collided, muscles and sinews straining against each other in a brutal test of strength. Killian's growls were a steady undercurrent, a constant declaration of his resolve.

Fangs snapped, claws raked, The battle shifted, a constant ebb and flow of aggression and defense. Leaves and dirt were sent flying as their struggle shifted and evolved.

The fight was wild, it depicted how brutal the animals of the forest are.

I breathed heavily as I sat on the edge of the river and stared at them but as I kept staring at them, my mind started to do something. Amidst the fierce clash between the werewolf and the tiger, an unexpected spark ignited within me. As their forms twisted and clashed in a primal dance, a surge of inspiration surged through my veins.

My fingers itched with a sudden urgency, and I stood up and ran towards the ground where I dropped my things. In a frenzy, I grabbed my sketchbook and pencil and looked back at the predators. My gaze flitted from the battling beasts to the canvas of my sketchbook. I had barely gotten to draw them before but this time I wanted to complete it.

The scene before me held a raw energy that I just had to capture. Without a second thought, I translated the drama unfolding before me into lines and shapes.

The werewolf's growls echoed through the forest that mingled with the tiger's fierce roars. As the battle waged on, a mixture of sweat, blood, and determination clung to the air. Their movements were a blur, a clash of fur and fury that seemed to meld into a single entity of primal force.

I had to work fast, doing a lot of it from memory, I kept going.

Finally, after a relentless exchange of blows, a critical opening emerged. Killian's jaws locked onto the tiger's throat, his fangs sinking deep, and just as I caught the sight of that I stopped. My heart skipped a beat and I opened a new page to get another blank canvas and started to etch the lines on it.

A primal roar of triumph reverberated through the air as the tiger's struggles weakened. With a final, powerful thrust, the werewolf forced the predator to the ground, its struggles growing feeble.

I drew fast as Killian stood on top of the majestic beast, pressing him down with sheer force and his teeth sinking further into his neck.

I gulped as I stared at them. I knew what was coming and so did the tiger. It roared for freedom but Killian wasn't having it and my hands wouldn't stop.

Killian slashed his claws in the tiger's throat and the view sent shivers down my spine. My skin stood up and my heart was pounding like crazy but I didn't stop what I was drawing.

The tiger's voice faded out as the life in its eyes dimmed. Killian fur was getting painted red with all the blood he was shedding but he didn't care. And with one final swoop, he chomped down harder and then yanked his head away with the iron grip on his fangs.

Blood spluttered out, dying his upper half red as he tore off the beast's head and raised it up in his mouth as his trophy.

Shiver kept going down my spine as I watched him and I captured the scene on the paper. Killian then threw away the head and looked at me,

His mouth along with his red were red. He looked like a beast born and raised in the wild. I gulped. But, I guess that's an Alpha werewolf for you.

Killian stared at me and my hands finally stopped as I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. My heart drummed in my chest as my stomach churned in horror.

He looked terrifying.

I gulped.

Yet at the same time, so majestic.

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