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I was fretting over how I forgot to mention about the party to Amara when I got a text from her again.

'I'm going to the party,'


I frowned at the text. How is she going to the party? She didn't even bring anything fancy with her and I'm sure she knows she can't go into an elite class party like this without the proper dress code.

'What about the dress? The shoes? How are you going to go?'

'I got a dress,' She replied, 'And everything else.'


She got a dress? It can't just magically appear out of nowhere. And it's not like a fairy Godmother is going to descend from the sky and grant her a party dress.

'From where?' I texted back and waited for the reply. Right then, I heard some commotion from outside my room but didn't pay it much attention since it only seemed like people were talking.

'I don't know, the girl who brought it said it's for me and when I asked who sent it she said I'd find out when I go to the party.' I frowned at the reply. Someone sent her a dress but they refuse to tell the name of the sender? That sounds so suspicious.

'You don't know who sent it, yet you're going to go?' I asked her a question and right then the door to my room opened with a keycard, catching my attention. I knew it must be my roommate since no one else could open the door and no one else would have a keycard.

The door opened and a man stepped inside. A very familiar man. I paused and frowned as my eyes landed on him. He noticed me too and a smirk spread across his lips.

It was Asher Blair

"Well, hello there~" He walked to the open area and stopped a few steps away from me, "What a coincidence meeting you here, N I C O." The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine.


My heart sank like a stone in my chest. It was the guy I had desperately wanted to avoid at all costs, and now, fate had decided to throw us together as roommates?? Does that make any sense? My luck can't be that bad! But the realization hit me like a tidal wave, and I couldn't escape the anxiety that swept through me. I knew he would be here, there is no way a family member of the Blairs wouldn't make it to the Hunter's Fest.

"You going to the party tonight?" There he was, with a friendly smile on his face, completely unaware of the internal turmoil I was experiencing. He didn't bring any luggage in, so I'm guessing he came in before I did, dropped his things off, and then left to explore or something.

"No," I took several steps back, "And I'm going to get my room changed." I tried to keep my composure, to appear calm and collected, but my heart was racing, and my palms felt clammy.

I stepped aside and began to move to go out, but just as I crossed him he spoke, "Sure," I paused at his words, "You can go ahead and try but you won't be able to change rooms."

I frowned and looked back at him, "And why is that?"

"Because all the rooms are filled," He folded his arms and kept smirking, "Unless you're fine with sleeping in the pool, that's a different thing."


It's not that I trusted his words but when he spoke, I realized he was right. It was the Hunter's Fest, there's no way there is any room available.

"Shit..." I whispered.

"No need to curse," He seemed happy, "We should get along, we're going to be here for the next five days."

His Mute Omega [Lost Mates Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now