Rimuru plans ?

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After Rimuru and the others successfully replaced their clones without anyone noticing, they gained memories of six months of experience from those clones. They were in a private dimension where time had no relevance to the outside world.

"Rimuru, it seems like the dungeon isn't making progress yet. What do you think?" Veldora asked.

"Hmmm... Let me think. How about we start a harvest festival for Tempest to introduce the dungeon during that time period? But we need Raichel's permission, though she isn't as creative as I am, even though she's my daughter," Rimuru replied.

"Rimuru, don't be angry with me, but it's kind of cringey to treat her as your daughter. She's more like our friend from when we first met, considering she remembers her past life as a human," Veldora commented.

Rimuru's inner thoughts:

It's not like you can understand how embarrassing it is to be loved by your parallel version. Well, there's also the fact that I lack a child, so it's only natural to treat her like one. I even manipulated time to change her name from Rimuru to Raichel. If not for me, she would have been named by Veldora, and who knows what would have happened to my events. But yes, it's still different, as she would never have met goblins. She only rules over ogres and met Shizu to gain a humanoid form. She was never meant to build Tempest, and she still met her end at Hinata's hands after learning about Shizu's death. It's only because she was going to Ingrassia, like me. In a way, I am the one who created her by meddling with events. But I'm certain I even made this timeline singular. You could say that if you go back in time in this world, you can't meet Raichel because she only exists in the present, not the past or future. But I think Chloe can do it. Well, if I add further effects, she won't even exist, as Raichel needed to save her. So, she is my daughter, but I'm not going to tell anyone in this world. The only ones who know are Diablo, the Unknown God, and Ciel. I'm a parallel version, and this world is a parallel reality, not a parallel world. If it were a parallel world, it would have been created by the same god as my reality. My friend Veldanava is also somewhat my parallel version, but not exactly, as Raichel is. Yeah, she is, but not entirely, as Ciel said I only have seven real parallel versions, all from my reality, not the world. Both parallel worlds and realities are different, as I mentioned. The gods of creation will be different in different realities, but another question is how Veldora became so mature. Maybe it's because he spent time with Tesla; they are close friends now. Maybe that's the reason.

"Veldora, I understand your concern, but you see, she needs a dad. Besides, it's fun to see her react when I call her 'daughter,'" Rimuru said.

"Heh, it seems like you're a heartbreaker of women. I bet you didn't get a single wife," Veldanava, who had been silent, chimed in.

Rimuru thought with some annoyance, "This guy is mocking me? I didn't marry anyone because women are too scary. Hinata is the perfect example. After the war with Feldway ended, she found a picture of herself in my room, and she was super scary. Even Ciel couldn't give a good explanation. I even rewound time to undo it. This lucky guy doesn't know how that day onwards, I developed a phobia of women. He doesn't know how it feels. Even Shuna is super scary, a yandere. And don't get me started on the primordials; they may respect me, but as devils, they have no romance. I think only two devils have romance. One is that guy with Velzard, even though he pretended to love Leon just to annoy her, and Espirit, who's now Gobta's lover. He became handsome after acquiring universal shape-shifting. What am I even thinking? I should come up with an answer."

"Is it me who recommended rewinding time, though?" Ciel said, wearing a smug look in Rimuru's mind.

Rimuru replied, "Don't be a fool. You suggested it, so don't give her back her memories. She's a devil, and if she finds out, it could complicate things. Sorry, Sensei, you're the great Ciel-sama."

Ciel responded with a satisfied tone, "Hmm, this is the response I wanted. Kuhuhu."

Rimuru couldn't help but think, "Why does she sound like an annoying princess in some fairy tales?"

(Additional note: I'm pretty sure in the original light novel ending, Rimuru is going to have a harem of women as his wives. However, I'm not sure about Ciel, as you know, Rimuru and Ciel are somewhat the same person since they share the same soul. Whatever the case may be.)

"Don't be a fool. All the girls follow me like bees to find honey in the flower. Of course, as the best being in the world, I always lead them down the right path," Rimuru said.

Veldanava, on the other hand, retorted, "Are you trying to pull my leg? And what's with that look on your face, like you're traumatized by some memory? Don't tell me you're hiding something—"

*jpg of veldora stone face standing attention in under street light in dark with eyes become funny

Veldora, who had been standing there without understanding what they were saying, finally spoke up, "Hmm... Can you guys say something I can understand? I feel like I'm being left behind by you. And what's with this talk of marriage? I don't see anything good in it."

Veldora's confusion led Veldanava to exclaim, "You're such an idiot, little brother..."

Veldora couldn't help but wonder, "Why does he remind me of my older sister, Velzard? This isn't the same brother I remember. Is he possessed or did something go wrong when Rimuru revived him? But that can't be; he isn't usually this cold."

Rimuru then continued, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You guys forgot why we came here in the first place. I'm thinking of turning Ivaraj, who's the size of a massive dimensional space-time structure, into a smaller version of Veldora, one that doesn't use universal shape-shifting, to create a universe-sized tower. This way, we can have more magicules in the dungeon without running out. Veldora has already mastered his power and can control magicules. Though we won't use Veldora in the dungeon anymore, there are some uses. According to the memories from my clone, there's a monster named Zegion. You can train him; he's somewhat like an insect, but he has a high chance of gaining a humanoid form."

Veldanava couldn't help but voice his concern, "Rimuru, what's your problem? Why are you involving Ivaraj? Have you forgotten something he world destroyer who destroyed countless world out of egoless mind of his ... He even destroyed heaven , material worlds which have protection of greater gods of difference concepts like fate , destiny , chaos , even he destroyed the destruction.. And you must not forgot he even destroyed something not possible even for me which is concept of end he living paradoxical universe concept which destruction become superior to end and now your saying gonna make him as veldora size of his smallest form , what gotten into you rimuru ? He is mindless incarnation destruction even he destroyed concept of time and space which you see even the concept of space time become meaningless one time.I know your strong but if you fight him you will die it aint matter your immortal and how eternal your soul is regarless he even destroy concept of your very soul..." Veldanava tried warn rimuru

'What a pain its true he is destruction incarnation even supirior to veldanava and even god of end which is god who end all phenomenon regardless of nature and ivaraj destroyed that conceptual god which lesser spirits of end is said to be superior to gods while ivaraj kill or destroyer the god of end which far superior but what can I say it aint even got the ball to even harm me or even scratch I who wield the Turn Null who make the every concept in existence , which is most primodial energy who existed before concept of existence.. Which have no beginning nor an end who have far more destruction capability than ivaraj I even gonna get scartch by that little bug yes I am gonna make him dungeon monster like I said. ' Rimuru thought

"Veldanava you understimated me like I said I am gonna catch Ivaraj make him my pet.." Rimuru said..

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