Veldora the super saiyan short chapter

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Veldora, in his human form with blonde hair and golden eyes, decided to show off his "Super Saiyan" move in front of his big brother Veldanava and Rimuru. He couldn't resist the chance to flaunt his newfound power.

"Behold! Witness the might of a true Dragon Ball Super Saiyan transformation!" Veldora

He powered up with a dramatic display of energy, his hair flickering to a radiant golden hue. Sparks of electricity danced around him, and he struck a pose.

Rimuru watched with an amused grin, while Veldanava, the star dragon and creator god, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Impressive, Veldora, but isn't this Super Saiyan business a bit beneath you? I mean, you can control space-time, probability, and all that jazz." Veldanava said in confusion

"Well, you see, big bro, manga and anime are sacred! I've learned from Earth's pop culture that going Super Saiyan is the coolest thing ever!and you understimated them.. bro don't know super sayian are boundless beings.." Veldora said with a grin

"Ah, Veldora, while it's entertaining, I have to say your transformation isn't perfect. Let me show you how it's done." Rimuru said with smirk..

With a mischievous smile, Rimuru began his own transformation. His body radiated an intense energy, and his hair turned a vibrant shade of blue. His muscles bulged slightly as he exuded an aura of sheer power.

"This, my friends, is how you do it. Super Saiyan Blue – the perfect Saiyan form!" Rimuru said in dramatic pose

Veldora's eyes widened in awe as he watched Rimuru's transformation, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

"Wow, Rimuru! That's… that's incredible!" Veldora said in amazement

Rimuru struck a heroic pose, and he even seemed to gain a glossy anime texture, as if he had stepped straight out of Dragon Ball Super.

"Now, I'll show you what real power looks like!" Rimuru said

As Rimuru basked in his newfound Saiyan glory, while Tesla, who had been working tirelessly in the background, decided to take a quick nap. After all, dealing with these overpowered beings from different worlds was enough to wear anyone out.


What will be Tesla thought about them a bizzare dream

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