met veldanava for first time- Ch.-2

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Person Point of View

The Star King Dragon is engulfed in solitude, with nothing left to do. The slime, his creator, has vanished, leaving him in a state of complete loneliness. At this moment, the other True Dragons have not yet come into existence; this world is a fresh creation by an unknown God.

For the first time, he encounters his best friend's father, yet the reality feels artificial, not entirely genuine. This reality seems to be a fragment of a dream conjured by the God who dwells in the Promised Land, brought into existence by his will, whether knowingly or not.

Veldanava gazes at the peculiar individual before him, radiating an aura akin to a monster. What's most striking is not just the transcendence of beauty but the surpassing of the most beautiful beings themselves. From afar, Veldanava senses that this creature is the cutest in the world. In an instant, he teleports to where the future Tempest resides, and he can't help but blush slightly.

"Hello there, little one! I don't recall creating you or encountering someone like you. Who might you be?" Veldanava inquires in his human form.

"My name is Rimuru Tempest. And please, don't mistake me for a girl. I am a boy! Also, calling me 'little one' is quite rude," Rimuru retorts.

'Little one? Now I see where Veldora gets it from,' Rimuru muses.

"Well, I suppose it would be impolite. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Veldanava, the Star Dragon King," Veldanava declares.

"Pleased to meet you. I've heard rumors about you, that you're a God among a few humans here. You mostly understand what I am, correct?" Rimuru inquires.

"Hmm! It's my first encounter with someone like you. I'm curious about your true nature. Perhaps you were born in a manner similar to mine!" Veldanava responds.

"Aren't you clever? Indeed, I was born much like you, though I'm uncertain of my origins (a half-truth). I suspect this world harbors someone mysterious, akin to me. Would you be interested in becoming friends, as humans term it?" Rimuru proposes, while Ciel conceals the truth from Veldanava.

"Hmm. I see no issue with that. I arrived in this world 10,000 years ago, intending to make it the central world. Yes, let's be friends, even if our meeting is brief. Befriending you seems like a fine idea. There are only a few immortal humans I've created here, and they might not take kindly to you," Veldanava agrees.

'How does he know so much about me?' Veldanava ponders.

"Just like that, huh? I half-expected you to say something like, 'How dare a lowlife like you request friendship with a God,'" Rimuru jests.

"Why would you think I'm that kind of rude individual?" Veldanava asks, taken aback.

'He's not entirely like Veldora, I see,' Rimuru contemplates.

"I was merely joking!" Rimuru clarifies.

"You had better be! If so, I shall invite you to my heavenly palace," Veldanava offers.

"Agreed! By the way, what brings you to this world?" Rimuru inquires.

"I'm simply curious about humans! That's all," Veldanava replies.

Rimuru's Point of View

"Oh, is that so? Why not create beings similar to yourself for companionship?" Rimuru suggests.

"Hmm! An excellent suggestion. I shall give it some thought. Anyway!"

Despite our initial meeting, he continued to ramble about his creations and other matters. Nonetheless, I possess greater knowledge and power than him, thanks to Ciel. He's only aware of the worlds connected to this one, to which I've granted authority and knowledge. This reality, created by Veldanava, contains an immeasurable number of possibilities and infinite dimensional structures. As a higher-dimensional being, I can measure these dimensions. The only realm beyond my calculations is the Promised Land, not due to any weakness, but because of an unknown God who disrupts my computations.

I find it all trivial, even though I possess more knowledge than gods like Veldanava and self-proclaimed omnipotent beings like Phane. I can traverse the Promised Land, summon the deceased, and verge on becoming a digital life form.

Veldanava and I have spent 2,000,000 years together. Velzard, born from the concept of fixation and blizzard, is aware of my existence. She sometimes addresses me as 'big brother,' though I correct her, saying I am not. Veldanava believes it was my idea to create her as a sister.

I never claimed to be a True Dragon, and he rarely inquires about my nature. Nevertheless, we meet regularly.

As for Diablo, he has merged with his other self, older than the God Veldanava. To prevent future Guy from detecting his growth, I created a perfect copy of Diablo when he was merely an Arch Demon.

The original Diablo remains concealed within my imaginary space, holding immense respect for Veldanava. He remains unaware that the creator of this world is neither the original Veldanava nor his replica.

Technically, the unknown God lacks a name. I know him only as Ciel.

Time Skip

After regular visits, we've grown to call each other by nicknames. I Satoru to me, and he is Velda to me.

Now, approximately 50 million years have passed. I've accelerated time here compared to my world. What feels like a millennium here is merely a year in my original realm. yeah acceleration is not the correct for it as I skipped the time frame a lot as without effecting casuality? if you think how is it possible don't ask me as your mortal brain cant understand it. 

I even persuaded Veldanava to establish a soul corridor between us. I assured him that he could revive me as long as he lives, even if I perish.

In truth, it's a deception. I'm aware of his eventual demise in the future. I've verified it by traveling forward in time. I only intend to resurrect him after the founding of Tempest, or perhaps I'll substitute someone else in my stead to avoid suspicion. I could technically create Veldanava, but where's the fun in that? I've grown fond of him; he's a good soul, unlike Veldora.

Velgrynd, born from the will of acceleration, and Scorch, are now in existence. Only Veldora remains to be born as chaos need to be born in order to order is completing ? isnt it amusing a duality of chaos and order as without chaos the order become meaningless as everything is static then order or disorder ?

Thus, the time has come for me to depart this world. To attend to my paperwork... ugh annoying aas its seems I need to visit my world sometimes 

I know my grammer and story is suck 

(700 words wow! Even I impressed my self!)

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