Studying with my boyfriend's sister

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Willow's POV

I'm walking down the hall when I feel someone come up to me. I turn to see my best friend. "Hey," I greet her.

"Hey," she says back. "Um...I need to talk to you about something."

"What? Is it serious?" I ask. She doesn't respond, but instead drags me into the girls bathroom. She checks all the stalls to make sure we're alone.

"What's going on Kayla?" I question.

She sighs. "Did you know that Lexi and your brother are..."

"Dating." I finish her sentence for her. "Ya. I've known ever since I saw them making out in the cafeteria the other day."

"What!" She says surprised. "When was this? And where was I?"

"It was on Monday at lunch. You must have still been in the food line. And you didn't see them cause I kinda kicked them out of our table."

"Well, I'm glad you did. You spared my eyes the horror." She jokes. "But in all seriousness, are you okay?"

"Ya, I'm fine. I mean it's weird, but it not like it's my decision. So..."

"Ya. I understand." She says solemnly.

"Hey," I say trying to pick up the mood. "Do you want to go out to lunch today?" I ask.

"Sure. Ya. That would be fun. I feel like we haven't had time just us. It would be nice to catch up." She answers.

"Great!" I say back. "I'll meet you at my car at the start of the lunch block. K?"

"Ya. I'll meet you there."

"Okay. We better go now we don't want to be late for class," I say as I begin to leave.

~a few hours later~
Lexi's POV

The school day was over and other than my tense conversation with Kayla this morning, it went pretty well. I sat with Easton and his friends at lunch, even though Kayla and Willow weren't even there.

I haven't talked to either of them since this morning and last night. I have no idea where I'm at with them right now. Just then I heard my phone ding and open it to see a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: hey u free tn

Me: who is this

Unknown: it's ur lab partner dipshit I literally said id txt u

Me: Willow?

Unknown: ya

Me: what do you want

Unknown: I want to know if u got anything going on tonight

Me: why?

Unknown: cause we got a project to do

Me: oh. Do u want to work on it now?

I text her asking about the project. I then precede to add her into my contacts. I wait for 20 minutes before she finally texts me back.

Willow: im at practice rn
what r u doin

Me: I'm just at home working on homework

Willow: thats sad
Can u swing by my house at 6ish

Me: sure

Willow: c u then

~later that afternoon~

I already finished all my homework in school during my free period, so as soon as I get home I settle down on the couch and turn on Netflix. A few hours later I realize the time. It was already 5:54. Shit. I need to be at Willow's house in 6 minutes.

I reach for the remote to turn off the tv. I quickly grab my keys, a sweatshirt and my backpack and head out the door. I jump in my car and speed in the direction of Willow's house. The only reason I where her house is is because Easton showed it to me once before dropping me off. I've never been inside though.

As I pull up to the house the gate opens for my car to pass through. I drive up the long winding drive way until I reach the house. I parked in front and got out. I walk up the grand marble steps to the large double wooden doors. I raise my hand to knock on the door. After a few seconds the door opened to reveal my lab partner.

She is dressed in black sweats and a bra less tank top. Her hair was still wet as if she just got out of the shower. "Come in," she tells me.

I enter her house, stepping over the threshold. She closes the door behind me. Just then I see movement to my right. "Babe? What are you doing here?" Easton asks me.

"We have a Biology project to do," Willow answers for me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Eason questions, though I'm not sure if he was talking to me or his sister.

"Because it doesn't concern you," says Willow rudely, once again answering for me. "Now come on new girl," she tells me while grabbing my arm. "We're going up to my room."

She leads me up an old fashioned set of stairs, into a hallway. From there we enter a room. At first I think that she had directed me into the wrong room. Everything is placed so perfectly as if no one lived here, as if it was a guest room only the house cleaners went into.

The walls are painted a light blue grey. There is a large bed in the center of the room with light grey sheets that have been made neatly. There is a bay window with navy blue cushions and a desk that sits in the corner. I never would have pictured guessed that this was Willows room. However, there is a small portion of the wall where multiple pictures are hung up. It's mostly her and Kayla, but I notice another girl that shows up in a few pictures. "Who's that?" I ask.

Willow looks over to what I am pointing to and suddenly all they color drains from her face. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to get into a sore topic," I say apologetically.

"No it's fine. That's Margot. She's one of my friends," Willow tells me in a solum tone.

"How come I don't know her?"

"She moved away last year."

"Oh." Could this be the same girl that Kayla was telling me about? Easton's ex? Did she really have to move away because of their breakup?

"Anyway," Willow says interrupting my thoughts. "Let's get back to the project for Bio."

"Sure. Let's get to it." As I pulled out my notes I could help but wonder who this Margot girl is. What's her story? Willow obviously has some kind of weird feelings towards her based on how she reacted when I brought her up. But who was she? Am I really making the bad decision when it comes to Easton? Will he break my heart?

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