Stay away from Easton Wells

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Kayla's POV

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it." My best friend squeals next me. "You've liked him for so long. I can't believe that idiot finally came to his senses and realized how great you are!"

"Relax Willow. He just asked if I wanted to hang out. It's not like we're dating."

"Well he better step up if he's serious about you or he's gonna miss his chance." She states seriously.

"I just want to take it slow." I respond.

"That's not what you said a few weeks ago when you were practically ready to jump his bones."

"Shhhhh." I say, placing my hand over her lips to silence her. "Be quiet! Someone might hear you."

"Relax. No one can hear us. Where literally just sitting in my car waiting for you to grow enough balls to walk in the school and face Tobi." She teases.

"Shut up," I tease back.

"What? Cause you don't want people to know that you're in love with Tobi." She jokes loudly.

"Shhhhhh." I say, one again covering her mouth with my hand.

"You love Tobi," she taunts again.

"I don't love him," I protest.

"Keep telling yourself that," she responds. "Come on we have to head inside class is about to start."

We head inside the school and part ways to our homerooms.

Once I enter the classroom I take a seat next to Lexi, who is already sitting there waiting.

I turn towards her and immediately realize a difference in her appearance. "Where are your glasses?" I question her.

"Oh. My new prescription of contacts finally came in, so now I can stop wearing those ugly old things." She explains.

"They weren't ugly."

"Please. They made me look like a librarian. I'm just glad I can go back to wearing contacts." She says to me. "Anyway, how are you? I heard something exciting was going on with you."

"Ya. Oh my god. This guy that I've been low key simping for for a while now asked me out on a non official date. But it's really exciting!"

"Wait wait. What's his name."

"His name is Tobi and he's super sweet and cute and...wait. How'd you know something was going on?" I ask confused.

"Oh. I overheard Willow on the phone with Charlie after she crashed my date."

"Wait. Hold on a sec. Rewind. Date? Okay, when was this? What happened? And who's the mystery hottie?"

"It was really sweet he took my mini golfing yesterday night and I beat him, even though I'm still pretty sure he let me win."

"Thats so sweet. Come on tell me who it is."

"I'm pretty sure you know him. His name is Easton...Wells."

"What the actual fuck! That guys a dick!" I shout earning a few looks from the students that have now started to take their seats.

"What do you mean?" She questions dumbly.

"I mean Easton Wells is a dick. He's literally the most rude and selfish asshole at this school."

"You're just saying that because you're friends with Willow and they have some complicated sibling rivalry going on."

"No, I'm saying that because he's a terrible guy. The last girl he dated had to move. And supposedly she's in therapy now because of their toxic relationship."

"You don't know that." She argues.

"No. Maybe not, but that doesn't disprove my point. You should stay away from Easton Wells." I warn.

"I'm not going to judge East without actually knowing him first. He deserves a chance. And he actually seems really nice."

"Nice?" I laugh. "Whatever, it's your funeral."

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