Ch 13: 'No Future'

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[BRAND NEW CHAPTER! BRAND NEW CHAPTER! A moment I thought I'd never get to see after everything, but...Here we are. A completely brand new chapter to this book. In recent weeks this story has really regained some traction. And it'll be really interesting to see what you guys think about this brand new chapter. So, yeah, we've waited long enough. So let's just get straight into it!!!! ANTI-HERO IS BACK!!! CAN I GET A YEEAH?!!!!]

[Fun Fact: Before Wattpad decided to go John Wattpad on my old account, I actually have about 6k words done of this chapter. AND IT WAS SO GOOD! So it might take a little while for me to get back into writing this world. But I'll try to do the best I can!]

[3rd Person POV]

The sound of crowded voices flooded the surrounding area. A plethora of students wearing the U.A. High Physical Education uniforms as they stood before the starting line of the race that was about to take place. The very first game of this year's Sports Festival was just about to begin, and currently, all the First Year Students could be seen gathered around in various groups as they awaited for the race to begin. 

Most took the turn to hang around their classmates. But for (Y/n), he stood alone. A tired yawn escaped his lips as he scratched the back of his head. The sound of faint music played in the background as two white cords flew from his ears. He was the literal definition of cool, calm, and collected. Which caused some of his onlooking classmates to watch in awe and jealousy. Then again, that wasn't really anything different for them.

Kaminari: "How can he be so damn calm?"

Mineta: "(Y/n) is so cool."

Sato: "Even when he's just standing there."

Mineta: "...That's what so cool about it."

He silently followed after Sato's comment. As the line of sight continued down the line, a few other familiar faces could be seen.

Sero: "I don't know about the rest of you. But I'm beyond nervous. Everyone is going to be watching us."

Kirishima: [Scratches back of head] "Tell me about it. I don't know how I'll go for this race..."

Kaminari: "You're speaking facts, brother. My Quirk's not exactly good at running. I'm kinda worried."

Mineta: "You're worried! How do you think I feel? I'm not even four feet tall and I've gotta deal with all this?" [Mutters in dispair] "I'm gonna get crushed by everyone around me..."

Sero: "Haha! Don't worry, Mineta. I'm sure it won't be that bad. I mean, you're just going up against other students. I'm sure no one out here is going to hurt you."

Mineta: "Sero...Bakugo literally called me The Lion King's Dad. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THAT MOVIE?! HE DIES! I'M GOING TO DIE!"

Kirishima: "I'm sure Bakugo was just joking."

"I was never more serious in my whole life."

Kirishima: "Huh?"

Upon casting his gaze to the left, Kirishima was greeted by the blank expression of Bakugo, who stared off into the distance as he drank from an energy drink.

Kirishima: "Bakugo?!"

Bakugo: "...Yo?"

As soon as the others caught the attention of the scruffy blonde, they immediately jumped into action.

Sero: "Bakugo! You gotta tell us! How is (Y/n) so calm?!"

Sato: "There's gotta be something!"

Kaminari: "He's totally talking to more girls, isn't he?" [Groans in pain] "Why can't he just leave any for us!"

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄-𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙊 [Dark Deku Male Reader X My Hero Academia Harem]Where stories live. Discover now