Ch 2: 'You Don't Know What You Got'

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[Okay, so the first chapter did good. I just hope things can continue, because the story I have here feels like it could be something else. That's kinda why I want to speed through the first three episodes into 2 chapters and get into U.A. Because I feel that is where the show really picks up. So, hopefully, with what I write, it's something you guys enjoy because I'm having fun writing this story so far and I really want one of these MHA stories to stick. Hopefully, this can be the one, but only time can tell. Hope you all enjoy today's chapter!]

[Your POV]

That smile. There wasn't a time when someone saw him without that large toothy grin spread across his lips. Sometimes people asked him why he smiled so much. Some took their own opinions on the matter. But whatever someone came up with all the time it'd reflect on one thing. That smile was always present, no matter what dangers came his way. He'd always smile, even in the darkest moments. It'd never drop. Not once. That was why to a lot of people All Might was their favorite hero.

It was just one of the reasons he was Izuku's favourite. But now, as I look directly at that smile a thousand adore, I can't find any joy in it. Long ago, after everything first happened, I tended to blame All Might most of all for my brother's death. It just...It All Might was there, then...then maybe Izuku could have survived. Could...Could still be alive today. Whenever I thought about it, though, my hatred for All Might sparked. And it continued to do that...Until I finally grew up. It wasn't All Might's fault my brother died. What could he have done?

How could he have known what was going on? At the end of the day, my family drew the short straw. But the fault for blaming someone did not go away. Instead, I merely directed it solely onto myself. Mom told me I shouldn't do that, and I tried to move passed it, but I just couldn't. Before my father died, he told me the responsibility of protecting my family was now up to me. So it was my fault that I failed in that regard. Just thinking about it made the memories of those dark nights I'd cry in bed blaming myself was enough to bring a hint of them back.

That was...Until the voice of the heroic figure in front of me broke out suddenly.

"That was amazing toughness!"

(Y/n): "Huh?"

All Might: "And that Quirk! You really handled yourself well, Young Man!"

He was...He was congratulating me? I don't really know why it came as a surprise hearing it. But deep down just the fact someone said something good about my Quirk was the bullet that really dug itself into my chest. It was so strange that all I could do was just look at All Might in oddness. There was no shock anymore of seeing a Pro Hero, and the pumping of blood that normally comes when I activate my Quirk was now long gone.

All Might: [Rubs back of Neck] "Ha! Ha! Ha! Sorry, I couldn't get here any sooner kid. Tracking this villain through the sewers was not as easy a task as I first thought. Even for me."

Even when he mentioned his failures, he still laughed, though with a noticeable nervous twist, and kept that smile. When I saw this, a part of my old self started to come through. The countless questions me and Midoriya would both ask him at this point started entering my mind. But instead of asking any of them, I remained silent and went to leave without anything else. I expected some kind of response to come from All Might after seeing such a surprise reaction, especially from a Teenager, the ones who love him the most. 

But in an attempt to block out the upcoming sentences I really had no interest in hearing, I went to place my headphones into my ears, hoping to drown out all other pieces of sound with music. But that's when it all happened. A sudden tiredness dawned over my body within seconds. My eyes began to close on their own as the rest of my body started to shut down. It appeared I used a little too much energy on that attack to kill the villain. Before I knew it, my body was falling to the ground. I don't know if I did end up colliding with the hard surface of the tunnel that day, or if All Might had reached me in time. Before I could get any understanding whatsoever my entire being was swallowed by the darkness. 

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄-𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙊 [Dark Deku Male Reader X My Hero Academia Harem]Where stories live. Discover now