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Chapter 20

I cradled the cat tenderly in my arms during the brief car ride. Upon reaching home, I retrieved a small bowl from the kitchen and filled it with milk for my newfound furry friend. As I attended to the cat, I was surprised to see Richard going down the stairs well-dressed in fresh attire.

"Where are you going?" I inquired.

"Out," he replied curtly.

"It's quite late."

"Is there a curfew now? What if I just wanted to blow off some steam?" he replied dismissively.

Although I wanted to discourage him from leaving, I understood the stress that he had endured for the past few days leaving me no choice but to offer a friendly advice. "Just make sure not to overindulge yourself, if you know what I mean. Remember that we have a meeting tomorrow."

"Of course. I'm not that negligent."

"Just a friendly reminder. You know that I'm more concerned about you than our presentation right?"

"I know, big bro." He closed the door with a thud leaving me alone with the kitten. But why did I detected some sarcasm there?

After the little cat was satisfied with the milk, I escorted it to my room providing the feline with a makeshift bed made from a box and a soft cloth. I watched it curl comfortably in it before I went to my own bed to get some shut-eye.

In the middle of the night, I was awakened by the cat's persistent meowing and scratching at the door. 

"What are you doing there?" I whispered. The cat continued to scratch my door determined to reach something beneath the door. I rose from my bed gently and silently opened the door to investigate what captured the kitten's curiosity outside.

I watched the kitten dart down the hallway and I did my best to chase the animal while making every effort not to make a sound that might rouse the rest of the household. I froze and my heart almost skipped a beat when the cat sat in front of a pair of feet.

"Richard, for heaven's sake!" I whispered loudly. His presence startled me.

"I just got back." he replied, his shoes becoming the cat's toy.

"Come here you silly little thing." I scooped the cat back and I detected a faint scent of perfume emanating from Richard's attire. I guess he got lucky tonight. Maybe that's what he meant when he wants to blow off some steam. Not surprising, considering how good-looking he is.

"Good night, Richard." I said before going back to my room.


As expected, a lot of the senior management wanted to tear Richard into pieces. When he was done with his report, a lot of the executives started to ask some questions. It's like the room was filled with hungry lions ready for their prey. Richard answered all their questions one and by and I was smiling deep inside with how good he was at answering all their questions. Finally, the room went silent and I saw a lot of frowning faces admitting defeat across the room.

Richard finished his presentation and I gave him a proud smile as he took his seat. The meeting went smoothly and after a half day of performance evaluations and sales projection, we are finally done. 

"Well done Richard. I knew you would take it up their ass." I commended him with a congratulatory pat on the back. As we strolled back into his office, I carefully concealed my surprise gift behind my back.

"And since you've done a good job, I have something for you." I said and presented a small box of biscuits just for him. "Ta-da! They're the biscuits that I told you about."

He doesn't look glad about the biscuits though.

"Try it. They're good." I encouraged.

"Please don't tell me you've been talking to Damian again."

"Indeed, I did. I have it delivered today." I smiled. "Don't worry. I didn't do it during the meeting so rest assured that you've got all my attention during the entire presentation."

I see him purse his lips as he stares at the biscuits and back to me.

"Alright. Since you made the effort to get me one, I might as well have a taste." he took one biscuit and took it all in his mouth in a single bite.

"So? How is it?"

He continued chewing and I can see it in his expression that he's trying to evaluate what to say next until he came up with, "I appreciate you bringing this to me."

He definitely didn't answer my question. "Is it good? Damian wants to know if you liked it." I rephrased my inquiry.

"It's definitely is something." He said and his expression was blank. 

"Did you like it? Yes or no?" I asked again but he decided to answer me with some cryptic phrases. 

"Praise in public. Criticize in private." he said.

"What does that even mean?"

"I think you're mature enough to know whether we are in private or public."

He's dropping the subject, so I guess he didn't find the biscuits that appealing after all. It feels somewhat underwhelming, especially considering how he made a big fuss about it  yesterday.

"By the way, could we drop by the supermarket tonight? I need to buy some supplies  for my cat."

"Sure. What are you naming him?... or her?"

"It's a her and I'm still thinking about it."

Richard and I went to the nearest supermarket and even though I told him that it wouldn't take me long to find what I need, he still insisted on going with me inside the mall. I went to the pet section and started to go over the wet food for cats.

"Have you ever noticed that there are no black cats in cat food packaging?" Richard mentioned out of the blue. 

I pointed on the Whiskas brand. "How about that?" 

"Are you blind? That's grey. Not black."

"Still counts as black."

I scanned the whole aisle and I hate to admit it but he's actually kind of right. I see white, orange, grey, calico and tabby cats on the packaging but not a purely black cat in sight. Again, it might be because of the unfounded superstitions that black cats bring bad luck.

"Can you suggest a name for her?" I asked as I compare the labels of the product that caught my attention.


I glared at him.

"Oh right. She's a girl. How about queen of darkness?"

He's hopeless. I ignored his terrible name suggestions and placed the chosen can in the basket.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"They're hosting a community fair at the park tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd like to join me," I suggested.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" he playfully teased.

"It's not a date. It's more like an opportunity to express my gratitude for your support over the past few days," I explained.

"What do you have in mind?" he inquired further.

"I thought we could start with lunch, and then explore the park's activities until the fireworks display... in the evening," I proposed but realized midway in my sentence that it did sound like a date in retrospect.

He chuckled. "Hmm.. you just described what a typical date is." 

I let out a defeated sigh. "So? Are you interested or no?"

"Sure, I'd love to go on a date with you," he replied with a grin.

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