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Chapter 2

"I'm not comfortable with this. Someone might see us!" I whispered to my girlfriend who is passionately kissing my neck.

"Don't worry. Everyone's busy in the party." she said and decided to caress my raging hard on. I let out a little moan.

"Fine." I whispered defeatedly. "Did you lock the door?" 

"I'm not sure but I think that adds more to the thrill." she licked my lips and pushed me to my bed where she decided to get on top of me. "Don't you think?"

I really do want to do this but my gut tells me that something horrible will happen if we will not stop this instant.

"Wait." I stopped her but before I could even get her off me, I heard the door open. We both looked towards the doorway to see who caught us ,only to find Richard, his face painted with shock. Holy shit!  I think I'm getting fired today.

Of all people who can witness my moment of weakness, it happened to be my employer's son who's currently celebrating his high school graduation party.

He slammed the door shut without saying anything but it was obvious that he was furious about the whole thing.


"Excuse me. Where's the bathroom?" I was interrupted by my reverie when I felt someone poke my arm. It was Ashley, the event planner. I was helping her with all the set-up to the party.

"Right this way ma'am."

I showed her the way and she thanked me afterward.

Glad to hear that. I don't want to sleep on some cum stained sheets. 

His words echoed again in my mind. Damn his crude mouth. Did I somehow warped his barely legal mind when he saw us in that compromising position?

I heard the bathroom door open. "Hey are you alright?" Ashley asked me.

"Of course Madame. Why do you ask?"

She pointed at my face. "You look so red." 

I leaned over to one of the wall mirrors to inspect myself. I was indeed blushing so severely.

"Oh. This is nothing. The weather is just unusually warm today." I loosened my collar to sell my lie. She just shrugged it off and we continued the house tour.

I already sent some housekeepers on Richard's room to make the bed and also bring some fresh toiletries in the bathroom. So anytime he wakes up from his nap, he can readily go back to his old room.

I spent the whole day assisting Ashley, answering questions to match her specifications and plans for the evening. It was almost past four and we were outside on the lawn discussing the table arrangements, when I saw Richard coming out of the house. It appears like he was freshly out of the shower, wearing a new set of clothes for a night out.

"Now who is that hunk over there?" Ashely inquired when she saw him. Without any hesitation, she handed me her folder and strutted confidently towards Richard. I started to follow suit.

Richard tossed his jacket inside his car when he saw us approaching and stood impatiently until we reached his location.

She  lifted her hand for a handshake and introduced herself in a seductive manner. "Hello, Good afternoon. I'm Ashley."

Richard ignored her hand and diverted his focus on me.

"I'll be out for the night. " he said "I have my key so there's no need to wait for me until I come back."

I nodded.

"As you wish sir."

He glanced over to Ashley who looked embarrassed from the lack of acknowledgement from him. Again, he focused his attention on me.

"Who is she?"

I heard Ashley repeat her name. She tried to give him her company card but he refused to take it.

"Your father hired her to take charge of your welcome party." I explained.

"Okay." said Richard and hopped into his car before speeding away without even greeting my companion.

"Damn. He's hot." I heard Ashley whisper under her breath.

I stared at her unbelievably. He just blatantly ignored her but she seems rather impressed at the guy just because he's hot. I really can't understand people. 

We continued the tour and every time we pass by something, she would talk about what she plans to do to make the party exciting. Yada this. Yada that. At first, I was attentive about what she was saying but after what seems to be a decade of nonstop talking, it started to annoy me as we went on along the way. By the time we were done, I  thanked the heavens for some peace and serenity.

I know Richard told me not to wait for him but I still took the chance that he would come home early. I even prepared his favorite grilled cheese sandwich and tater tots but after some contemplating that it might not be his favorite food anymore, I decided to eat it. I mean, the guy's fit now. He probably prefers healthier cuisines these days. Besides, the last time I really knew him was when he was fourteen right before I left the manor to study in college. 

I ate the sandwich in solace while I took the trip to memory lane. I can hardly recognize the Richard who recently slept on my bed. It was like meeting a new stranger all over again. However, his return made me realize how much time has passed since my mother took me here. 

I remember how much Richard despised me when he found out that his parents allowed a kid to live with them. At first, he was irritated every time he sees me. He would sometimes, hurt me intentionally like pushing me down to the ground, using his foot to trip me or even kicking his soccer ball and aiming it towards me when he's playing outside.

He would always tell me that he's sorry and that he didn't mean it but I always knew in my heart that it was his jealousy acting out, like a kid taking it out on their younger sibling which is ironic because I was older than him. One time he even booby trapped my bed with thumb tacks and my back bled from his ordeal but I didn't say anything to anyone, not even my mother. I mostly kept everything to myself.

But when he was finally used to my presence, he stopped doing those nasty things. Without a brother or a sister, I became his substitute sibling. He started to share his toys with me and would discreetly invite me to play with him. Of course, nature did it's job and we became close to the point where he considered me as one of his friends. However, the time came when our interests were no longer the same considering our age gap. More chores and responsibilities were also given to me as I grew up. And when my mother died, so did my social skills. I became less active and joyful and it took me a long time to recover and finally accepted that I was on my own now.  

How ironic that I just ate my dinner alone in the dining room.  Even when I graduated in college courtesy of the Prestons, I became a social hermit.

To end my loneliness, I washed the dishes and went straight to my bed for some shut eye. I checked my clock for the time. It was already ten in the evening and still there was no sign that Richard was back. 

I laid on the bed and closed my eyes but I got distracted when I detected a different scent lingering around me. I sniffed my pillows and beddings to determine whether my theory was right. And it was. It smelled of cologne mixed with his natural scent. It was nice but also disconcerting because it feels like someone was sleeping next to me. 

I moved over to the edge of the bed and faced the wall instead. It appears I'll be needing some fresh sheets tomorrow. 

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