3- They're here

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Olivia's pov.

I finished my chores as fast as I could so that I wouldn't be late for school. I acted natural as I try to avoid Timothy who doesn't seem to remember what he did...


The Luna called and I hurriedly went to her. "I want you to buy these things for the preparation of Jasmine's birthday and the coming of the Escobars, I wrote down every single detail of what I want you to buy, I already counted how much change I should have and if I see a single mistake, you're dead meat" she walks off...

I looked at the long list that is taller than me...

I sighed and rolled it up while running towards the forest to get my bike.

Good thing the guard is a friendly human and let me in, and the first period is mrs Helen who's always late. After class I immediately went to the mall to buy all the stuff the Luna had listed.

Thank God for only giving 2 assignments or I wouldn't be able to do any of it.

I arrived back to the packhouse where they are already eating dinner.
I placed the bags on the table and miss Ali, an omega took in charge of it, I also gave the change and went upstairs to do my homework.

After finishing it, I went outside through the window like I usually do. The pack house consists of the family of the gamma, beta, and alpha, and some other omegas to serve, but they can live somewhere else but only somewhere inside our territory...

I inhaled and exhaled the beautiful night air and climbed back up..
Tomorrow is Sunday, thank God, and also the start of the two days preparation day of Jasmine's 17th birthday, which is also my 17th birthday, not like they remember anyway...
It'll be extra special since the Escobars will be there and special for me, it'll be also my last day in this pack

I closed the window and cleared my bed to sleep, after that, I just imagined everything that will happen once I leave this place to put me to sleep....

The next day...

I woke up early with the sound of banging on my door.
I don't usually wake up early IF I have the life of being normal I guess...
I hurriedly washed up and styled my hair with a half ponytail, took out a thick turtleneck sweater and thick leggings, some socks, canvas shoes that Courtney threw because she doesn't like the color and it's size 8, and another layer of sweater...

Yep, I feel cold that I could live in venus...

I went downstairs and saw all the omegas working, I almost considered myself like one of them and they really don't treat me that bad so yeah...

I helped preparing the food which will be more than just ham and pancakes..

The Escobars are coming..

"I spent almost all night looking for my purple dress that matches with these shoes....how do I look?" Jasmine twirls and Courtney gives a thumbs up.

Courtney's wearing a pink dress, making her look like barbie..

How I wish I could wear dresses too, but the cold says no.

They all gathered to the front to welcome the Escobars.

It didn't take long for two white cars to arrive, the Escobars got off and the alpha and his family went to greet them...

There are 6 of the Escobars but only five came, I went to the kitchen to check the list if I was wrong and no I wasn't....

They went to the dining hall and we served their lunch...

"Advance happy birthday to you Jasmine, you've grown very pretty" Mrs. Escobar said with a smile. She's so pretty, Mrs.Jane Escobar, I've seen her once in a magazine and she's absolutely gorgeous...

"Thank you Luna Jane" Jasmine answered and started looking around...

"I heard you have 3 sons Luna, I only see 2" she said with a laugh...what a natural...

"Oh, David went on a mission"

Jasmine face obviously dropped when she said "oh okay" and Luna Jane noticed it so she held Jasmine's hand and said "but he'll be here exactly on your birthday"

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if Jasmine is David's mate?" Luna Tina chuckled

"Mom~" Jasmine acts shy

Luna Jane chuckles

"I'm sure it'll be wonderful"

I smiled a little, how I wish I could be like them, they look like having fun...

My eyes were on a trance while I was thinking about it, I let out a small exhale and snapped back, which made me look at Luna Jane who is also looking at me...

It took a while then I avoided her gaze, going to the kitchen...

Her gaze was soft...like a mother I always wanted.

In my dreams I guess....

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