Chapter 11:Like a recorder

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After finishing cutting out all the six shapes from the orange cardboard, I noticed Mr. Jones that I am done with that and wait for my next step. "Hey Mr. Jones, I am done cutting out all six of them" I notified and point at all the shapes that I had already snipped out. "Good job, Richard. Since you got all of them out from that, here is something I can give you" Mr. Jones said and handed me this kind of thick orange paper with another black marker drawn in big circle. I already noticed like there are two things Mr. Jones was going to hand out before handing me that one thick paper and it was sitting on top of the two things. That one part was in a middle ahs the entire sheet colored white, based on the conversation I had with Mr. Jones when we talked about the factory made products. The products that has been made in a factory has to be deliver or ship to all school everywhere around the world, including everywhere around the states that I am in right now. Kind of thought of my head that people who work in school buildings received free stuff, like literally getting free supplies without paying a single penny mainly due to the system. The system I am talking about is the person who is responsible enough to get any supplies they need to support this school as long as they wanted. And due to that person who is free to pick whatever they want necessarily, they would try everything they can to convince the children's parents that this is a school worth attending in. Is that a good thing to let every parents around this state know about this school worth letting their children to attend in? Personally, I wanted to say no because I am pretty sure that I had said plenty of months ago had already been said. Just put the period sign right on the spot after I had said several words about it is or is not a good thing to let our parents to left us lone in school and put their trusts at the teachers. Although, I did told Mr. Jones about us little kids, boys and girls, children staying at home watching television instead of going to school and learn something that is worth remembering it forever in your head. Most of the time all of us watched kids show and not typically watching the news to discover what is going out in the real world. Finding out that watching the news is plain boring and I could imagine if I met someone here in this classroom thinking that watching or listening to the news is something more terrifying. What is so terrifying about either watching or listening to the news? I have no idea, but in my head right now, I am thinking about a severe weather approaching out home doing no damage. Ever since when I first enter in this real world, I had never seen any dangerous weather that shows whatever signs of how far dangerous it gets. Like sure, a warning form someone who knows what is going on outside in a much wider area that heavy storms are coming. Or maybe a television displaying the news revealing the anchorman or anchorwoman noting that an approaching sort of life threatening storm could hurt us all. All I had seen through out the rest of my life is seeing most other weathers are mostly pouring rain, sunshine, and sometimes snowy. Can't really process my mind on what it would look like to me encountering, witnessing a massive and colossal climate strike against where I live. Moving back to the topic when I said us children spent most of our time watching television earlier ago, I am pretty sure this is very common that we wanted to view something really fun. Specifically, allowing one of us worth memorizing in our head and wait for the next day or week to see what we could have want reminiscing on. Increasing our ability to reflect back based on what we had viewed on and use the information to test my studying techniques. Except spending most of the time only watching television and thought it will simply shows you a good amount of enlightenment, I always get up and roam around freely. Stopping myself from watching TV like it is necessarily for me to watch it as long as I felt like something or someone is peer pressuring me to do that all day and night. Do not get me wrong when I made anybody else thinking only watching the TV is my number one favorite thing to do on a daily basis, I always roam around the house to find some interest of interacting other things. Such as coming up with an imaginative thoughts that I had in my mind and depicting that it could happen in real life. At the moment when Mr. Jones said he needs to think about my response of us children staying at home and educate ourselves simply by watching live television, most of the time like me having an interest of watching kids show learning basic alphabet. Pretty sure some people here in this classroom loves to keep learning that kind of school related topic. For Mr. Jones processing his mind on the fact that I made my own respond, it could be either a good thing to know that watching a live broadcast can lead us all extracting a really useful, interesting information that could in habit in a way anybody can cherish, or a bad thing mainly because it might be something else that would result from anybody's days or life ruin. I can imagine if neither me or someone else's life always having like a middle version of a bad day and it has been like this for their entire existence. The only bad days I had impacted in my life is when my older sister abuses me, due to her thinking what I did was never okay and my actions or interactions would trigger her in a most dangerous, terrifying, life threatening, scariest commitment she could ever attempted. I am not going to detail further more as to what she did to me when she physically hurt me or describe how she had done something to me, but I want this topi to mainly focus on education. And when it comes to focusing on education after I had already explained myself that us children staying at home watching television to learn interesting subjects, most likely the times when kids show are playing in live broadcast, instead of going to school in person, I sort of would want to go to school in person and discover some of the things that I can dove right into. Like doving back to the previous activity where I want to keep building made with this plastic connecters. Make a house, build a ship, why not combine both of them from the choices I had in my head? I just wanted to go back there and proceed to spend most of my time building in a way I wanted it to look like, inspite of that one urge when I do not feel like asking Mr. Jones as to when I would want to do that. Nothing like I am nervous, shy, scared, or anything else assuming he would get angry over me asking him when I will get back to that activity before he called me over to this table. Pretty sure I already know that the only way for me to get back to the spot where I feel a lot welcoming playing the thick plastic connecters is to finish up the craft artwork, which I had finished cutting the six curvy oval shapes that took me thoroughly a bit of a long time. Cautiously and carefully cutting them off without making a mistake, also avoid making a fatal error move or trying to my hardest best not to anger Mr. Jones. How would I potentially commit such a heinous action to make this teacher so mad at me? I would not want to dive right in to figure my own mistake in the past to find an indirection as to how I made him upset and it kind of feels like I am submerging my entire head right into the sand. I could much rather charmingly drown myself underneath the blanket, preparing to go to sleep during the time when I was waiting for my dad calling my name out to go brushing my teeth. I am guessing covering my whole entire body with a blanket will help me receive a hint that can lead me with some clues as to how I anger Mr. Jones, or perhaps the other two teachers like Mr. Farrell and Ms. Goldsmith. It would be so weird if I happened to anger Mr. Jones already by covering myself with a blanket. Why do you have to be so mad over somebody covering themselves with a blanket? Maybe when you are in school and thinking you are allow to cover or warm yourself with a blanket is perfectly okay. I am confident to know when you are sitting in the center of a classroom and your teacher there is showing and explaining themselves on what they want to share us all here, one of the three teachers will eventually have a problem with that. More specifically, the teacher here does not like one of us students here covering our head with a blanket as a sign that they do not want to pay attention from them, showing on what we are learning here. Is it just only me, or am I the one who thinks randomly on the moment when the teacher is showing us something and use the blanket to bring to school without letting them know as a sleep over? Never in my life had ever have a sleep over party in school ever since I first attended in Red Wood Elementary School and Sunnyside Elementary School. Also, most of the time when I was attending in school, I see the weather outside was sunny and rainy. So nothing like it is night time, especially for the fact that I dislike going to school while it is dark outside. What is the point of coming to school at night? Literally, as a child who was in a preschool level have no other reason to be in this school building at this darkness gloom, until there is one person who would dare to spent the night in here. If I was a person who is brave enough to want to sleep in school without anyone knowing what my plan is, I would not want to cry in tear and called out for help, mostly my mother and father. Except weeping for help, I can freely roam around and discover some area that I have never explore in. Such as me wanting to explore this hallway next to the table I was in. With windows still revealing three doors that can led us to a separate room and I did remembered the time when I first thought Logan was the first person to have access to go through there with the teacher's permission. I did not see him walk in there looking around, perhaps not yet and I could be the person who happened to be in there. Much rather prefer staying at home, put myself to sleep to show my mother and father that I am being a good boy to them and well behave, and dreaming myself personally having free access to go through the entire school building while it is night time. Guiding my way to the classroom where I attend in most of the time and went to this door that can led to the hallway with three doors. Opening the door and went through the hallway that makes me make a right turn after ponder forward for a few seconds there. At the end of myself reminiscing on wondering around in that narrow pathway, I can not quite put my mind to reflect on what I did when I was imagine myself being in that area. Not knowing if I happened to get through there doors to find out what it looks like inside, yet that probably would not be important personally to me. As much as I want to go in there freely with or without the teacher's permission, I am not eligibly smart enough to comer up with a plan to create my way over there without anybody spotted me. Or even that one annoying moment when someone here has to tattle tell the teachers, like it is really necessarily. Now you might be wondering that I had snitched someone before over the course of at least two years in school. I do not quite believed that I happen to snitch on someone when I was in school. But some other times when I was at home. I feel like it is particularly necessarily for me to snitch my parents on my older siblings for a good reason. Now I for one will not going to spent the rest of my whole life and existence tattle tell or snitch on somebody unless the situation I would be in is critical, like in a future that if I happened to be in a condition where it had gotten so bad, I might need to tell someone who obviously look powerful among the people who impacted me to the position where they want me to react or behave in a way they could smothered around their own face. What I meant when I said that they want me to behave or react in a way that they could smother around their face is the moment when the group of bad people want to pleasure themselves by bullying people who look logically weak. And they want to see to look at the weak people's face to see if they are mad, sad, annoyed, furious, any indication of their facial expression to show the bully of how easy it is to them to get under the weak people's skins. The part when I said like smothering around the bully face, referring to the one that I mentioned about their face, that smothering in their face I am trying to say in a specific matter is them showing have evil they are. How did I learned this and where I got that information from? Got it from my whole free time watching kids show where the guy with a hat got body drop by three bad people, laughing at them saying like this person is a sore loser and come up with some blantly ideas by pointing finger at them while laughing and saying something that is so not true. If I did watched that scene and guessed this is real life, I can guaranteed someone out in the real world will confirmed that I will soon witnessed these encounters. Not sure when they are smart enough to explained how to deal in that problem after getting the confirmation that I will soon see this kind of event, although I need to wait it out until I get older. Enough of me talking about bullies smothering their face to reveal how evil they are, staying at home watching the television except going to school in person, thoughts within their minds that it is normal to bring their blanket to school, and questioning myself being in the even where I am going to school at night time. After thinking about a few undirect, perhaps misleading topic, I was dozing out for several seconds there until I felt this hard punch Ralph strike against the side of my triceps. I look at him with a blank facial expression and then look at the spot where he punched me. Also, Mr. Jones had already seen what Ralph did and has to say something. "Ralph, it is not okay to punch someone like that" Mr. Jones noted. "What? My older brother does that to me. There is nothing wrong when I did that to him" Ralph said as he started folding both of his arms together and bop his head towards the direction where I am. "Yeah, but do you not think it is rude for you to hit someone without their permission?" Mr. Jones asked another question. "I do not think it is rude when I did that to him. He looks phase out and I had to get him doze out simply by punching him. Does not kill him or something else that is far deep down such a big problem" Ralph made a come back and shrugged both of his shoulders up. "Yet I did said that you should not do that to him without his permission" Mr. Jones repeated, sounding like he is angerly, furiously serious here. I did not say anything to stand myself because I have zero idea as to how to reply in the middle of this encounter switching back and forth between from Mr. Jones and Ralph. I mean, I am not going to intend not speaking out the truth when I did say that getting punch by Ralph right on the side of my arm actually did hurt me, but it actually does. Had this one teacher back from the previous school I attend in particularly hurt me when she grip my wrist to instruct me in a way she expect me to do. With my wrist looking dark punkish, I am kind of convinced that the teacher is strong enough to drag a child like me to put them in a position where there is a less likely chance that they would cry in pain. I had never cry in school or in public, which I felt like it is a good thing because you do not want anyone around you to come up towards you and check up what is wrong with you. As a person who has a little bit lack of knowledge when it comes of not having the ability to come up with the idea to detail what we need to say it out of our mouth, this is the purpose as to why I need to go to school. Well, I do not want to go to school based on my own mood, although my parents wants me to so that I am smart to do whatever I like. Such as plainly repeating the same thing that I did back at home. Watching kids show from the television, keep playing the toys, roaming around the house, most of the time around the basement, and interact something new that I had not seen in the house I live in. Truly makes me much more smarter, huh? Anyway, after hearing Ralph arguing against Mr. Jones for punching somebody's arm is perfectly a normal thing and nothing so deep down bad is going to happen perhaps in a later future, I sort of had enough and chosen to step in, to resort this back and forth, talk backing event to end already. "I hate to interrupt here, but I believe the reason why you had hit me in the arm is because your older brother does that to you as like a gesture of a welcoming brother or family. So when you hit my arm, you just did that as a sign like I am a brother to you. To clarify furthermore, you punching my arm is a gesture that you are welcoming me as your brother" I explained. The purpose as to why I had thought of this in my head is due to some shows I had stumble across shows a fuss of a motorcycle gang softly punch the other gang on the arm softly, getting their attention so that the person who gently punch them in the arm can say something to them. Most likely saying hi to them and not their heads moving up towards each other. Checking one another to see how they were doing and showing their face displaying how happy to see them again., But for Ralph prefer hitting my arm hard enough that somebody else could potentially start crying from the impact he made there. Like someone here in this school would start crying from easily getting hurt by someone else punching them in the arm hard enough that they can well feel the major pain. Again, I did not cry when Ralph punched my arm that hard, which is a good thing because I hate breaking down in tears in public and leading others around me to check up on me on what is wrong here. "See? That is what I am trying to say here" Ralph convinced. "Yes, but I am telling you that hutting or punching someone on the arm is not okay unless you have their permission" Mr. Jones repeated again. I decided to step right in because I feel like this is not worth talking about furthermore. "It is okay, let him be that way" I replied and shows the gestures to him that is is okay only for one time. Mr. Jones sighed with a little bit of feeling furious at Ralph and shrugged his shoulder. And so I waited out more until Mr. Jones finally slide in this cardboard thing with a black line circle marked with a black marker and I continue cutting it around carefully. Took my wiseful time to cut around this circle while I am over here being particularly color blind by not paying attention to the color of the cardboard and mainly focus on the black color. Either the color of the cardboard is white or orange, I am still not paying attention to that and could think these two color had blend together, along with the black color. At last managed to cut out the circle and at the time when I was staring at this cut out circle shape a slightly amount of time, Mr. Jones slide in another sheet of carboard and gently roll the glue stick towards me. As the glue stick was about to fall off the table, I quickly placed my hand underneath the table, an inch away from the part where I was not touching the table or the edge of the table specifically. The glue stick landed on my hand and I look at it, which that glue stick is quite familiar and I seen something like that before. "Now you can open the cap off and glue them into this sheet I already handed out to you" Mr. Jones said and points at the glue stick and a sheet of cardboard. So I did what he told me by popping the glue stick cap off and has this sticky purple stuff in the tube itself. It is the same glue stick I used before and I surely know how to use it. Therefore, I feel comfortable and confident enough to use it, except here I am in the position where I am starting to feel sort of baffled here. Already know that I had cut out the shapes off based on the shapes Mr. Jones had traced down with a black marker, but I do not know where to glue them onto the cardboard sheet. Specifically, the one that is not cut off and after doing nothing but instead staring at the blank cardboard with this one swirly oval shape thing on my hand, Mr. Jones noticed my confusing situation and placed his hand to the area where it is right in front of what I am looking at. Giving me the attention that I am now making eye contact towards him and the facial expression he is giving me is not showing any sign that he is mad or anything. "I am assuming you do not get on what you made there, Richard" Mr. Jones assumed. I slowly shake my head up and down, showing that I am agreeing on what he had guessed there. "The shapes you had snipped out is a sun. So please glue them on here" Mr. Jones kindly instructed and tap his finger on a blank cardboard. Of course, I know what the sun looks like and start gluing the circle on. Then glue six curvy oval shapes around the circle shape spaced out and show it to Mr. Jones that I am finished. "Now you can take it home and show it to your parents on what you did there" Mr. Jones said and allows me to go back to the previous spot where I built a submarine made out of thick plastic connecters.

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