Chapter 3:This one kid who is spoiled

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After spending much time playing around with the small wooden blocks, or perhaps building them, I finally made what I wanted to make based on what I had seen when I first enter the real world. When it comes for going to school and meet new people around here, I decided to treat them like friends and hopefully they will remember me as a good person. If I happened to know someone who thinks of me as a bad person, I would calmly confront them and ask them privately as to why they had thought of me as a person who is not worth interacting with. But anyway, after messing around with the small wooden blocks for a long time, I had made a pyramid. The reason why I made a pyramid out of small wooden blocks is because when I was at home, my mom left the television on for me to watch while I was playing with my toys in the living room. There is this one specific television show where four friendly family aliens with four different colors are playing around on this one grass field hill, in addition of having a house to live in. But these four aliens does not have only different color individually, they also have different shape sign dangling from their head above. Not quite sure what their name is, but I am guessing their name is their fur color. Blue, yellow, red, and green, yet I am certain there are more out there in their world that either has different colors of their fur or shapes. Although, this kid show I had watch doesn't allow me to focus on these four colorful aliens, it also let me focus onto this sun revealing a baby making a cheerful noise while ascending up into the sky. Thinking about it right now, I am picturing myself being a planet known as a sun magically floating up into the sky seeing so many people putting the smile on their face every time they see me. Then waving at me as a sign that they are really happy to see me again. Honestly, it is really nice to meet new people and once I get older to the point where I first started my adulthood, I hope that person I met back in my pre school year will remember me after over ten years of not seeing each other. What does this has anything to do with me building a pyramid made out of small wooden blocks? Well, this specific moment I watched was this grass field hill that has a piled up balls. Not the one what you would expected, I am talking about multiple dark colored balls neatly stacked up into a pyramid. Basically, I am referring the small wooden blocks at that kind of balls. Balls that allows you to pick it up and throw it at someone. Dodgeball is the game reminding me of the times when I was in Red Wood Elementary School and attending here in Sunnyside Elementary School, there are some people who attend the same school as I did since last year. I may remembered them, but I am concern they won't recognized me. I mean, I am not concern about them not familiarized with me as I had obviously knew that small children like us need to progress our way where we had the ability to remember things. We are in pre school and even if this is an elementary school, the teachers and some other school staff would like to expand their school wide enough to make more friends from a different grade level they are in. If I had a chance to meet with some new people from a different grade level, like they are either between the levels of first to fifth grade, maybe I could interact with them some more. Enough about me yapping about the school I had attended in from last year or any other topics that are somewhat off. After all of us are done messing around with the small wooden blocks, or make art out of them, Mr. Jones comes by and check on what I had made here. "Oh, what did you made there?" Mr. Jones asked as he move close to the spot where I made a pyramid with cubed wooden blocks and looks at it. "I don't know what I made here, though I had seen this one show where a group of friends forming a spot to make a pile" I answered. "A pile? A pile of what?" Mr. Jones asked in a curious matter. "A pile of balls from the moments I had watched from the television. The type of balls that is used to play catch with someone and play dodgeball" I answered again. "So the small wooden blocks represent the dodgeballs. You missed playing dodgeball? I could tell Ms. Farrell and Ms. Goldsmith to make a plan to get everybody in this classroom to play dodgeball" Mr. Jones planned. It is honestly really nice when Mr. Jones made a promising plan to me making all of us go play dodgeball. Thought to myself randomly that we all are going to play dodgeball here in this classroom rather than normally getting guided into the gym. Some kid put a lot of strength and fearlessly throws a ball at someone until it missed and eventually knock over something. Probably one of us purposely throws a ball and it hits the vase. Vase dropped on the carpet floor so hard, it shattered into pieces and one of the three teachers would be so upset. Calling one of our parents to tell them what we had done and after coming back home, our parents are mad as hell over our accidental mistake. One time when I was at home, my dad was really upset at me because I was messing around with the food coloring thing. Thought it would taste delicious when I happened to drink the entire tube of food dye coloring and after digesting it, it kind of taste like water. Then my mind goes out of context by bringing the other food dye coloring tube into the living room and splash it all over the carpet flooring. Not really sure why I thought of that process, but making a huge mess was quite fun for children, not for the adults. The amount of stress my mother and father had to deal with when cleaning up the mess me and my younger sister had made. What is even more frustrating about this is my younger sister blames it on me for making a massive mess, despite her also made the mess along with me. My parents fell for her lying excuse and and my dad had to whack me on my bottom with either his hand or a stick. Me a little kid, specifically in a grade preschool got punish my my own dad because I was the only one who got blamed at for mostly making a somewhat hazardous mess. Oh yeah, as a father, it felt so good punishing your own children simply by whacking them on their bottom with a long wooden stick. It would have been so nice if a father purposely killed the children over their action that was not so deep. Anyway, after I am in the process thinking in my head, I had made my decision to accept Mr. Jones' offer to make a plan for all of us here in this classroom to play dodgeball once it is recess time. "Sure, that will be exciting" I accept Mr. Jones offer and slightly shake my head vertically. "Alright, let me go talk to Ms. Goldsmith and Ms. Pharrell, and plan the perfect day for us to play dodgeball" Mr. Jones kept his words as he gets up and walk towards this counter where he starts working on something. Not quite sure what he is doing over there seeing he is blocking my view with his body, though I am guessing he is making a plan for when we are going to play dodgeball. But later on, Mr. Jones didn't make a plan for that, he turned around and lean against the side of the counter with both of his arms folded together. Next, Ms. Goldsmith made an announcement here after all of us are done making something with the small wooden blocks. "Okay boys and girls, after you are finally done on what you had made here, feel free to get up and have a look around. See if anybody else's work are beautiful" Ms. Goldsmith said. Me and Logan got up and walk towards a different direction where I happened to meet Nick and his partner. Looking at their work, I see six wooden blocks lining up together while space each other away and four blocks gapping across the six of them. Looking like a cross or something, I asked Nick what it is for a confirmation. "Is it the cross that you seen from the church?" I asked. "Nope, it is an airplane. Me and Hector had been struggling for a little bit as to what we wanted to make. So I decided to make an airplane" Nick answered. "Do you like it?" Hector asked with a happy facial expression. "Yeah, I totally like what you both did. hate to be rude and all, but you both should cous on the body shape of it to make it more like an airplane. If you leave it like this, few of us would think that you made a cross" I suggested. "A body of an airplane? How?" Hector asked. I started locating their bag of wooden blocks and noticed they still got more. "You still got more in the bag over there?" I asked and point at the bag next to them. They both look at the direction where I am pointing at and Nick moves the bag up front. "Looks like it. Would you mind showing us?" Nick answered and asked back. "Sure" I replied as I got down on my knees and open the bag. There are a few amount of wooden blocks left and I had already made a plan that I need Nick and Hector to note. "I am not going to mess up the one you and Hector had made over here, I am using these less amount of wooden blocks here to show you what I am expecting you both yo improve your work" I pointed out. "Okay" both Nick and Hector had replied at the same time, agreeing on what I had said to them and slightly shaking their head vertically. I grab one of the left over wooden blocks and explained as much as I possibly can to understand what I am saying here. "Okay. When I said make a body shape of an airplane, I meant focus on the center part. Imagine you actually see a real life airplane flying above you and you realize h0ow big it is with long oval shape. This is what an oval looks like, almost like a circle" I explained. And I show them what I did with the wooden blocks forming a long oval shape while gapping enough space for some other wooden blocks to put in afterwards. "The space part that you are seeing here is not important. Instead, you shrink them as small as you can and still make an oval shape. Once you made that, make like three layers stacking each other" I added. Moved the blocks for the first later to come close and show an example of how the alter them. Each later will reduce the usage of three or five blocks and at the same time still close together. "When you are done making the oval body shape of an airplane, you can use the cross lookalike, or an airplane if you want to call it, and reform it into the airplane wings. Something probably like this, or this if you want to space it out" I also added. Rearrange from the body of an airplane to wings, I even show them the close up and the space out version. So I ended my explanation there and they slowly shaking their head vertically again, understanding what I had shown them. "But hey, that is on you both if you want to do that now or not" I said and got up, putting both of my hands into my pant pocket until I did not realized that I do not have pockets. "Makes sense. Thank you, Richard" Nick replied. "Yeah, thank you Richard" Hector also replied. "You are welcome" I responded and walk away to look at more artwork of small wooden blocks. After roaming around looking at the wooden block artworks, Ms. Goldsmith made another announcement here to put all the blocks back into the bag. "Okay boys and girls, time to put all the small wooden blocks back into the baggy and then put them in the bin right over here, next to where I am standing" Ms. Goldsmith said as she shows the bag, open the bag as an example, for the people who probably do not know how to open a bag for some reason, and points at the bin where it is located next to her. I quickly gather all the remaining wooden blocks and throw them in the bag. Afterwards, seal them close with my index knee finger and thumb slides along the opening area of the bag, get up, and walk towards the bin. I feel like throwing or dropping the bag into the bin is a sign of disrespect, therefore I gently put the bag in there. Almost getting down on my knee and gently put it in there like there is no problem at all. Head back to my spot where I came from, which is where Nick and Logan sat next to, and wait for the next instruction. Ms. Farrell walks into the center of this classroom with a stack of plastic cover papers on her hands. "Ms. Farrell here have something she would like to say for the next activity" Ms. Goldsmith and walks out from the center of this big group circle. "So I got these forms right here and it shows a number with bigger font, perfect for the people who can not see without their glasses. I am talking to you, Ms. Goldsmith" Ms. Farrell teased. "Oh stop it. As an old lady, I can see perfectly well and these children here know that" Ms. Goldsmith said and points all of us here. It would be hilarious if one of us have the nerve to replied the lines of, "I don't. I don't know if you can see clearly without glasses because you are so old". Raise their hand up with their facial expression showing how happy and proud they are after saying that. "Whatever. So I am handing out one of these to each and every one of you boys and girls, and hold on to it as you are waiting for me to give out to everyone completely" Ms. Farrell note and begin handing out one plastic sheet covered paper to all of us. Got the one Ms. Farrell had handed me and looking at the giant front number, I got number seven. Coincidentally, seven is the day of the month October and I was born in October seven. After all of us got the big number, Ms. Farrell heads back into the center of this circle group and tells us what the number means in this game. "See that number you are holding? The game we are going to play is when someone who is holding a sign that starts with number one, you must said one while the other person said two. You also need to raise the sign up to show what number you have before somebody else said their number earlier to the one you have. For example, Jacob here is holding a sign that said one and somebody here holds a sign that said number two. Who is the one holding a sign that said number two?" Ms. Farrell asked and looks around to see if anyone here has the sign fonting number two. Nobody in this group circle did not respond as I was expecting one of us said they have it out now. "Nobody? Nobody got the sign fonting number two?" Ms. Farrell asked and continues to look at all of us. She decided to walk towards this one girl, whom I did not get a chance to asked what her is, to check on what number she has with a sign still held on her hands and goes up to the next person. Also did not have a chance to asked the next person his name as Ms. Farrell check on the sign he is holding and notice the number that does not display the number two. Ms. Farrell goes up to Logan to look at his sign and noticed he does not have number two. Then goes up to Sarah and found out she had been holding a sign that has number two this whole time. "Sarah here has number two" Ms. Farrell said it in a medium tone. Her tone that I could have try to explain was like not on a mean way, but to politely let everybody know loud and clear Sarah has the number two font sign. "Please pay attention here, Sarah" Ms. Farrell said in a more polite way. Unfortunately, Sarah does not take Ms. Farrell terms kindly and decided to raised her voice at her, almost like she yelled and perhaps combusting her temper tantrum. "I am paying attention" Sarah said, also whine about it for a little bit. I mean, if you were paying attention after Ms. Farrell had asked all of us who is holding a sign fonting number two, maybe you would have not cause any problem by raising your voice at the teacher. Perhaps the reason why you did not pay attention is because you were day dreaming about something. I truly understand that due to most of us who have common problem paying attention on what the teachers had to say mainly because they either have a lack of interest on the activities for this elementary school or not wanting to be here. Sometimes, I do not want to be here and rather stay home playing with my childish toys while watching the television. Maybe roaming around my home for a little bit longer and imagining myself becoming a wanderer. Enough about that, Ms. Farrell dislike about Sarah's response after she had told her to pay attention. "If you were paying attention when I asked everybody if they are holding a sign that said number two on it, I would not have told you that earlier ago. Change your behavior or I will put you in time out" Ms. Farrell warned Sarah. I thought Ms. Farrell is going to flame her down simply by asking if Sarah knows what a number two even looks like. Meaning if Ms. Farrell asked Sarah whether she does now know what the number two looks like, she will get heavily embarrassed and might cry over it. Technically, us students had already knew what number two looks like because we obviously been taught how to count. Like come on, we are preschoolers here had to be in the real world for a reason, which is staying educated. In the event that some of us here now knowing what the number two looks like, that is understandable due to getting taught out of a lacking lessons, a very lacking lessons that is so hard for preschoolers to recognized on specifically. It it not like we deserve mad disrespect and eventually getting mocked at over something so blantly obvious for much older people. So please do not bully us and give us more time to grow as we have limited room here. Regardless, Ms. Farrell walks back into the same spot before starting to investigate who is holding the number two sign, which is Sarah who lied saying she did pay attention, and continues to explain furthermore about time game. "Anyway, so the game should be simple for you boys and girls. Starting with Jacob here holding the sign fonting number one. So let  the games begin from one to the most number that anybody has in this classroom" Ms. Farrell stated. All of us remained silent like earlier ago and Ms. Farrell looks upset. "Jacob, lift up your sign and said one" Ms. Farrell said. I thought she was going to whack Jacob on the back of his left shoulder, as a sign to pressure someone to do something based on their request. "" Jacob responded and raised his sign up to show everybody what he has on his hands. Next, I started looking at Sarah who has number two from the sign she is holding and pretty much everybody here in this room had already knew that because Ms. Farrell confront here. I would not want to be in her problem since that will hurt my heart and naturally given me pure embarrassment. After staying quiet for a long time watching for Sarah to do the same thing as to what Jacob had done, Ms. Farrell had to say something to her. "Sarah, raise your sign up and said two" Ms. Farrell instructed. Sarah signed softly, like quiet enough to not make Ms. Farrell how madly upset she is being after Sarah claimed she did pay attention. "Two" Sarah responded with her sign facing towards around the room for all of us to see, with a little bit mixture of groaning. That groaning noise Sarah had made would eventually make Ms. Farrell more upset than earlier ago. Continuing off after Sarah had shown the sign fonting number two, following with this one guy who said three while showing his sign facing towards all of us, two girls who said four and give, at the same time showing their signs raised up, another guy did the same thing to his sign while saying six, and I raised my sign up afterwards. "Seven" I replied with a blank facial expression, not bother putting a smile on my face due to my current mood. As much as I want to blame on Sarah for disrespectfully making a disgusting look on her face at me and whined over Ms. Farrell because she thinks Sarah is not paying attention. What are you doing to do when the teacher did not agree to what you have thought? Throw a random object at her on the back of her head? The reason why I had thought of that is because I had an older sister who threw temper tantrum over something upsetting to her. Personally it is either because one of my family member accidentally broke her things or shoving her things right into our mouth. Me and my younger sister are still toddler and would like to see if our older sister's toys are completely safe to play with. In my mind right now, what is the opposite of being completely safe to play with? Not being completely safe to play with our older sister when she threw a random object at my dad after he punished and lectured her that physically hurting your own younger siblings is never okay. So if any kids like me who is having the tendency of throwing a random object at an adult when that adult does not agree upon what you really want, that is a sign of why you deserve to get in trouble.

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