Chapter 8:Not here

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There is still more coins activity that I need to do in order to complete it for a day, as I had already seen Ms. Goldsmith walking towards the table and grab something behind the bins of whatever it has in there. Moving her arms around in there a little bit and I am not quite sure what she is doing there due to her body blocking the way. So I look away and not pay attention as to what Ms. Goldsmith is doing, just keep on waiting until I get the next bag of coins. Soon after, Ms. Farrell passes by and noticed that I am sitting here doing nothing. "Hey Richard, why are you sitting there doing nothing?" Ms. Farrell asked and I thought to myself that she has a problem with me not doing anything. Even though I had already finished counting the amount of cents, I was afraid either her or Mr. Jones were going to tell at me for not doing my work. Like they are assuming that I am not doing the work when I had actually finished it, so how am I supposed to reply to her question? Ms. Farrell looks at the area where I spend my time counting coins on two groups I made and then looks at me back. "Did you finished it?" Ms. Farrell asked and sounding like she is angry or polite. I shook my head up and down, agreeing and answering her question. Ms. Farrell walked up to the bins filled with bags of coins as she begins digging around in there and grab a specific one for me to continue counting more coins. Walk up towards me with a bag of coins that she had just got it out from the bin located on the opposite side of the table where Ms. Goldsmith is at and I thought she would just puts the new bag of coins gently on the ground near me, or straight away throws the bag of coins next to me while showing a slight disrespect. "Did you remembered how many cents you got there?" Ms. Farrell asked and points at all the plastic coins that I had lay out. "Yeah, all of them together cost one dollar and sixty eight cents" I answered. "Did you told Ms. Goldsmith or Mr. Jones after you finished counting them?" Ms. Farrell asked. "Yeah, I did told them" I answered and slowly nod my head down. "Like who? Ms. Goldsmith, Mr. Jones, or both?" Ms. Farrell asked and she sounds like she is getting partially agitated. "Ms. Goldsmith" I truthfully answered her question and hopefully avoid making Ms. Farrell feeling upset. "Okay. Go ahead and gather all the plastic coins you had lay around the ground and put them back in the bag" Ms. Farrell instructed and shows this gesture of her moving her hands around with all give of her fingers freely sticking out, dictating at all the plastic coins around my area. I use both of my hands to scoop up all the plastic coins together, forming a big pile as I snatch the [plastic bag from aside and sweep them right in there. After getting all the rest of the plastic coins in the bag, I compressed my thumb and index fingers to seal it tight close. Next handed the bag of plastic coins to Ms. Farrell and she is showing her facial expression representing that she does not care about anything. So after looking at her while handing her a bag of plastic coins for a little bit longer, Ms. Farrell slowly grabbed the corner area of the bag and remove it off of my hand. Expecting her to say something else after holding her hand on the given plastic bag of coins, she walks away and head to this one spot where there is a bin filled with bags of coins. Puts the bag of plastic coins into the bin and pull out another bag of coins. Already forgotten what the next bag of coins were made out of as Ms. Farrell fetched me a new one and handed it to me. Gently puts the bag on my hand and I dropped it on the ground, specifically drop it on the spot next to me. Looking at the bag I was given, I noticed one of the coin is shining as I lift the bag up and begin touching the coins. Rubbing the coins and it kind of feels different than the plastic coins. Keep on rubbing the coins long enough until it took me a long time to open the bag and decided to dump it on the ground. As the coins falling off of the bag, this soft thud noise hit on the ground and some coins smack the other coin. That sound of clang noise eventually made the people looking at the direction where I am repeatedly flunking the bag down over and over. "Hey, you got the metal coins?" Logan asked. "Yeah" I answered and that led Hector to say something here. "Can you help me? I am having trouble here" Hector requested and shows this gesture that he wants me to take a closer took at something. So I drag myself to Hector's spot and his work area is slightly a mess. All I am seeing is a small pile of pennies and dimes mixed together and both nickels and quarters are spread around. "Did you focus on the first part of the coins with the same thing among the other three coins?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Hector asked and probably looked confuse and agitated judging by the look on his face. "Like these four coins such as pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Do you remember what Mr. Jones had said when he was helping Logan on how many cents d these four coins worth?" I reminded him. "Yeah, I remembered the part about the pennies that cost one cent and dimes costing ten cents. Although, I had already forgotten the nickels of how many cents it had and the part about this grey big coin here" Hector answered as he picked the quarter up and move it a little bit close to his face. "Here, allow me to give you a hint as to how many coins the nickel has" I insisted and drag all five pennies out from the pile Hector created. Hector looks at the five pennies indicating the amount of cents the nickel cost and promptly got something pop in his head. "So this nickel here cost five cents, but what about this one?" Hector answered the correct solution on the amount of cents for nickel and shows me a quarter to me again. "Try to take a closer look at that cost, just like what Logan did. If you do not know what it is still, try your hardest best to remember what Logan had said about that coin. Like figuring out the name of that coin you are holding there and also here is a hint" I said as I pointed at the quarter Hector is holding and drag two times and one nickel, forming them as a group so that it is easier for me and Hector to identify them. Hector particularly shake his head up and down, meaning to me that he truly understand what I had already explained. "If you have any trouble knowing things form the situation you were having, ask the people around you for help or ask the teacher. I mean, when you had already seen a free chance of one of the teachers walking around doing nothing, if you were like me" I noted. "Got it. Thank you" Hector said and continues working on his own. "Yep" I replied back and return back to my work counting up the now metallic coins. I begin sorting all the metal coins around and placed the empty bag on the side. As I had been taught from before calculating together on plastic coins, I am doing the same thing to the amount of metal coins. Starting off counting the amount of pennies because I can easily tell by the color of it. Noticed they both have light and really dark brown color individually and there is no other color to describe what I am seeing here. When I gather all the metal coins of pennies, I confirmed that I have six pennies. Now moving on to the nickels and also confirmed that I have nine of those. As much as I want to hurry myself to finish them instantly by multiply them based on the five cents of these nine nickels, I have to move onto counting up the amount of dimes and quarters. These two coins I counted led me having eight dimes and two quarters. So the two quarters counted up as fifty cents, adding up with eight dimes resulting as eighty cents, adding from fifty cents to eighty cents to the moment where I got one dollar and thirty cents, and now counting up nine nickels. Took a little bit longer to know in my head that nine nickels is equal up to thirty five cents, so I add it up from one dollar and thirty cents to one dollar and sixty five cents. And now the easiest part about finishing from counting cents to cents is to add six cents on it for the pennies. The purpose as to why I leave the pennies alone is because pennies are so easy to memorize among the three different type of coins. Left it last after quickly deciding whether I go with pennies first or last, to be specific here. Regardless, the final answer of counting up all the metal, nevertheless real money, coins is one dollar and seventy one cents. Got the confirmation answer and begin waiting for the teacher to notice me. Simply sitting here doing nothing and proceed to keep looking around the classroom until Hector got my attention when I face at the direction to where he is. "Hey Richard, can you help me again?" Hector asked and shows me a gesture to come closer, same thing as earlier where he wants me to take a closer look again. When Hector shows me his work area, he work area unexpectedly sorted out neatly. Four quarters, three times, six nickels, and seven pennies is all I am seeing in his work area and thought to myself that his work is more complicated than nine, even though Hector is still working on counting the amount of cents with the plastic coins. "I know four of these quarters are one two zeros, but did you remember what it is called?" Hector asked and pointed at the four quarters. Thinking hard enough for reflecting back what answer I had after I finished counting all my metal coins and at the same time remembering what Ms. Goldsmith and Ms. Farrell had told me. "The one two zeros I was told are called dollar. So said one dollar, and two dollars depending if how many amount of dollars it layered out" I explained. "So I got one, which means one dollar?" Hector asked with a little bit of high pitch of his voice. "Yep. And the rest of the coins that are left behind, try add them to the dollar section, like put it next to the dollar value" I added. "Alright, I get it now. Thank you" Hector said. "Yep" I said as I slightly lowered my head down and simultaneously head back to my work area. Almost panicked when I forgotten about the total amount of cents I had counted as I quickly count them up in my head and Ms. Goldsmith decided to check up on me in the nick of time before I finally figured out how much do I have here. "Hey Richard, did you finished it?" Ms. Goldsmith asked and randomly thought to myself that I  probably had done something to make her feel upset. "Yes" I answered, just showing a blank facial expression instead of showing her how exciting I am to finish this activity. "How much do you have given by the bag filled with metal coins?" Ms. Goldsmith quizzes me. "One dollar and seventy one cents" I answered, which I am glad I finished it quickly enough before Ms. Goldsmith question me. "Good job. Gather all the coins around you and put them back into the bag. While you are waiting, feel free to look around and help out if you want" Ms. Goldsmith said. I did what she had instructed me and sweep all the metal coins in the bag, like I had already done for the plastic coins. Then handed the bag of metal coins to Ms. Goldsmith and got up to a stand up position. Nothing really interesting for walking around in the classroom looking at the people probably struggling to figure out how to add the coins value all together and trying to help by demonstrating how I solved it. As a person who has no experience and knowledge of explaining properly of how I got the answer of my own, I managed to help out a few people as I was told to do so and show them how I got the answer. Revealing step by step only one time and after received a confirmation from someone who asked for help by saying they finally understood it, I walk away and continue on helping more people. I was going to give them an answer without bothering to show them how I got in the first place, yet was told by Ms. Farrell to not to when she had caught me giving out the answer. Saying that is not the right way to help them and that I must show them how I got that kind of answer ever since I was asked the questions. Anyway, two weeks had past from spending so much of our time doing coins activity and here I am playing around with these toy where I stick them all together, building a house or something else. What I am building here is something that is worth for me to take home, something that allows me to take it anywhere I want to go. Keep imagining that the one I built is a spaceship soaring around up in a much higher ground with real life tiny people controlling it. Already got shrink by a ray gun founded on a show I had watched recently. As I am playing around with the toys I was welcomed to interact with, most of the students like me entered in the classroom and I thought to myself if I walk towards one of the three teachers and tap them on their shoulder one or two times to get their attention. And while I got their attention, I walk up to the people that I had already forgotten their name and question them what their names are instead of asking them what their name is. Basically, what I am trying to say here is that I did not bother telling a group of students like me to tell me what their name is, I sort of want the teachers to tell me their names instead. Not quite sure why that matters to me, but I can assure you it was not. Regardless, during the time when I am still playing with the things that allowed me to connect each other, I heard Ms. Farrell walking up to Ms. Goldsmith and having a conversation about someone. "Hey, can I talk to you for a moment here?" Ms. Farrell asked. "Yeah, what about?" Ms. Goldsmith answered and then asked back. "It is not what, it is who. Logan has been attending and not attending every time he has school. I mean, to try to clarify here, he keeps on showing and not showing up every weekdays" Ms. Farrell noted. "What do you mean by that?" Ms. Goldsmith asked, asking only one time instead of repeating it over and over again to try to be funny and partially annoying simultaneously. "Like for instance, he was here on Monday, but not here on Tuesday. Next, he attended here on Wednesday, but did not show up at Thursday. Also attending on Friday and then next week, he changed it in the opposite, alternative way that he somehow made his own pattern" Ms. Farrell said. "So he keeps on showing up and not showing up every time we have school session" Ms. Goldsmith coherent. "Yeah" Ms. Farrell confirmed and particularly raised her eyebrows. "What pattern do you think he was trying to make there after your realized this?" Ms. Goldsmith asked. "Seems to me that he is making a checkered pattern" Ms. Farrell theorized. Now for me, this is common personally because I was a type of kid who dislike going to school. Going to school with no parents around is scary and I need someone who I can comfortably trust to stay with me through out the day. I want to go back to the times where my parents left me alone at home and fully trust in me that I won't do anything dangerous whenever I am interacting with some random stuff hidden around there. Most of the time, I just crawl down to the basement and roam around two rooms. One room that is like a basement with a lot of mattresses, clothes, pillows, and blankets, and the other was a bunch of baby cribs, carriers, similar things from the basement living room part. Nothing like I purposely getting myself killed or injured when freely roaming around two rooms in the basement, it is just that I love interacting new things. Moving new items close to my face as like I am zooming in to clearly see the materials, like what Logan did when he was identifying the coins up close. Except I can put my face close enough to the part when Ms. Farrell mentioned about checkered pattern. I was going to ask her what it is, but she is still talking to Ms. Goldsmith. Therefore I keep listening and simultaneously connecting the plates with two or three ridges sticking out each other. "Had you already noticed his parents about Logan's attendance?" Ms. Goldsmith asked. "Why do I need to notify his parents when his parents had already noticed this and put their responsibility on him?" Ms. Farrell question. "What if they do not know how to put their responsibility on Logan?" Ms. Goldsmith randomly asked. "What makes you say that?" Ms. Farrell questioned back with a furrowed eyebrows, showing that she could not grasp as to what Ms. Goldsmith asked. "Listen, I am too old to figure out of my own on how to manage my children from not attending to school" Ms. Goldsmith has a reason. "Did it took you that long to realized punishing your children by putting them in time out or grounded them when they refuse to go to school?" Ms. Farrell asked and almost sounds like she is mad. I remembered that I was a type of person who refuse to go to school and much rather spent most of my time roaming around the house doing whatever I pleased. Except that one annoying moment when my mom literally had to tattle tell on me for not going to school. Eventually making my dad feeling upset and tell me to go on the couch even though I had already told him no. This is very common for children who are in a preschool level and also making our parents feeling angry over us refusing to go to school, but my dad comes out with a wooden flat stick and whack me on the bottom. Typical Asian parents these days punishing their own children by whacking them on their bottom, with either their hands, stick, and probably a spatula. Not that I was trying to be funny and simultaneously being kind of flat out rude here, though I can imagine in my head right now for Logan getting punished by this parents. His parents walked in the kitchen to grab a spatula and beginning whacking Logan's bottom. Started burning up in agony and Logan over there hoping that his parents will spare his life after that terrifying altercation. Hopefully not them smacking him with a spatula at his head, not only hitting him on his bottom. I do not get the point why hitting your own child at the head particularly with a spatula was a terrific idea and I am not going to try to show off my smartness, and at the same time trying to be funny around here, on guessing how Logan feels from that kind of pain. Already confirmed that will hurt since I am a child attending in preschool and it will hurt more when a parent grab a knife out from the kitchen. Git their own children as a punishment with a kitchen knife and at the same time thinking behind their head like it is a normal thing. Bet in my family traditions that my parents would punish me over me not attending in school by whacking me with a cleaver. Perhaps doing something so terrifying that is deep down too far, specifically killing their own children as punishment. I think I had watched some movies through out my weekends that I should not supposed to watched entirely. Luckily, my parents thinks it is okay to let a child like me to watch something disturbing and most likely violent. It was at that moment where I think violence is awesome, watching the heroes or good guys physical and shooting bad guys down and here I was over there looking satisfied and surprised. How does watching an action movies containing violence has anything to do with preschool students like me refusing to go to school after I was told by my parents to do so? Additionally, how does a parent punishing their children for not going to school has anything to do with watching action movies having violent event? Not trying to be extra hilarious and being funny again, but perhaps us preschool students are like bad guys to our parents for whatever reasons they had in their mind, while our parents are sort of like good guys. I do not want to be a bad guy, I want to be a type of person who had proven worthy enough to be a good guy. Not quite sure why it is fun being a bad guy who had done something really wrong, though throughout the rest of my whole life ever since I first enter the real world, I am highly confident enough that I have not done anything that leads other releasing their anger against me. Except the part where I am certainly afraid on Sarah tattle telling on me over something that is not true. I do not want to play this type of game where I continue to act like I being extremely innocent and always stay truthful. Such as me telling the real truth that my parents want me to go top school. If I do not go to school, they will punish me with a wooden stick already drawn out and whack me with it, like any other parents would do. Bet the spatula and knifes are a lot painful than getting your head or bottom smacked by a flat wooden stick.

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