34. few weeks later (end)

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The residency (its an app)

Question : what is it you like the most in a girl ?

Pedri : her smile🙃

Her smile. Is he talking about me ?

"B, who would you choose ?" I ask. We are hanging out at Pedri's but he is staying in a separate room while being on the residency. He says we are distracting him too much when we are next to him.

"2 months ago I would have shouted 'Neymar !' But now... I am so disappointed and sad, you know. I expected better from him. I wished he was better than that." She half pouts.

"Okay. Between Pedri and Gavi then," I say and she shots me a 'one is your boyfriend and the other is his bestfriend, bitch. What are you on about ?' Glare.

"I will choose Pedri day and night." I correct. "I'm just curious, who would you choose ? And you can be honest. I know you don't follow football much except for the world cup."


"What ?!" I half-shout. "Seriously ?"

"Gavi is so funny girl, he is an angry bird." She says.

"I thought you would say Pedri."

"Don't get me wrong. Pedri throwing his jersey at you last week during the game was very hot, but Gavi has a lot of funny moments. I would never date either of them, though. I can't handle the fame." She explains.

"Yeah, I remember that. I almost passed out." I laugh. He threw me his jersey after his goal. All eyes were on me.

"What are you doing on your phone, anyway ?" B asks.

"I'm reading Pedri's messages on the residency. It's an application where fans ask him questions and he answers them."

"Really ? Give me your phone for a second. I want to see what it's like." She says. I give her my phone and then I go drink a glass of water.

I pour myself a glass of water, drink it, and B joins me to give me back my phone.

"Here you go." She says and takes out a glass for herself to drink water too.

After a few seconds, I hear a door open and Pedri comes running into the kitchen, his eyes wide open and his hair in a mess.

He stutters a few words, but it makes no sense. I see B smiling from ear to ear and drinking her water.

Did she do something on my phone ?

"What's wrong ?" I ask, clueless.

"Check your phone." Says B, seeming all proud and going back on the couch in the living room.

I look at my phone and see that B did stay on the application like she said she would do.

She wrote something.

A girl on the residency wrote 'my dream is for Pedri to alswer me.' And he answered 'dream accomplished😃.'

And under that there's 'my' comment.

'My dream is for Pedri to fuck me.'

I stare at the text, jaw on the floor, eyes wide open, and then look at Pedri, understanding his reaction.

"You didn't write that..?" He asks, confused, and I run after B to kill her.

I jump at her on the couch and she screams while I take a cushion in my hands to choke her with it.

"How could you write that !" I shout and my voice shakes from embarassment.

"What did you answer, Pedri ?" She asks through the cushion.

"I didn't write an answer !"

"Why ? Won't you make her dreams come through ?" She yells and laughs even more.

"It's not that ! Of course I would- I mean-!" His face turns red and he puts his hand on his face.

"Don't explain yourself !" I shout and B starts to laugh histerically under me. I am never giving her my phone ever again !

Altough, seeing Pedri frustrated in a cute way is great, really. Makes him even hotter.

"I will... go back to my room..." says Pedri and I get the cushion out of B's face to give her a death glare.

"Wait !" She shouts at Pedri before he leaves the room. He stops walking and looks at her. He is all ears.

"I promise I will never be obsessed with you like she was." She says. "Before meeting you she would keep saying 'wow, Pedri is so hot~ he is my babe, he is so handsome, such a good player, he is so kind~"

I smack her head with the cushion to shut her up.

Pedri, very badly, tries to hide the obviously fucking growing smile on his face and goes back to the kitchen.

"I hate you." I growl and Bessie, to retaliate, puts her right hand on her chest, faking hurt feelings.

"You two obviously didn't find this funny, but I found this hilarious" She grins. "Now, it's time for me to go, girl. Tonight is date night." She smiles.

"Yes." I smile, too. "Tonight is date night."

*** midnight.

Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars

Let me see what springs is like

On a, Jupiter and Mars

We have lit every candle we could find inside the house and turned off all the lights. The night is clear of any cloud and the stars are more beautiful than ever.

In other words, hold my hand

In other words, baby, kiss me

My back is glued to his chest and we dance slowly to the song 'Fly Me To The Moon' by Frank Sinatra.

Fill my heart with song

And let me sing for ever more

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

He makes me twirl slowly and my face now rests on his chest. We both make little steps. Dancing with one body.

In other words, please be true

In other words, I love you

He lifts my head and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. The music is vibrating in my heart.

"Don't regret dating a football player." He smiles.

I smile back.

"Don't regret letting me in your life."

We will not regret this.


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