30. Catch me if you can

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Are you sure this is a good idea ? I ask, the smell of fruity alcohol and sweat making me rethink every life decision I ever made.

Absolutely not, answers B. She and I came to this gigantesque night club well known in all barcelona.

B went out before, but she is an -I can stay at home and be on my phone all day and be so fucking happy since I don't like people- typa girl, going out at night and staying on her phone gave her the same amount of joy, so she didn't go to a night club in years.

Me ? I never went to one. I went to bars with my sisters, but I never went to a night club, the ones where everyone drinks vodka and dance and shouts and kiss and do whatever they want before throwing up and being hangover.

But B wanted to see what Barcelona was like further than the architecture, food, lifestyle and all the things tourists do. She was curious about how Barcelona's drunk ass'd act like.

So we came here.

We promised to stay at least one hour, and if we hate it we will leave.

We went towards the guy who sold the drinks and B asked for something light, she doesn’t like alcohol's taste at all but if she doesn’t drink like, 4 soft alcohols then she won't be able to even dance without feeling uncomfortable and out of place.

We both know I will never drink anyway, but I'm less uncomfortable than her, so it's okay.

I wanted to see what a spanish night club was like, what's your reason ? Asks B, sipping the white coke or something she bought and sipping it to get used to the taste.

I came far you, I can't let you go out alone, I answer. It wasn't a lie.

Bitch, be so fucking for real right now, I am someone extremely paranoiac, easely scared and terrified of many things in life, and, oh ! I'm a girl. I don't even feel safe with being only us 2, you think I would have come alone ? What am I, crazy ? I fear the way I will die more than death.

B takes the half full liquid all in her mouth and drink it straight.

How does it taste, I ask, curious.

Like a coca zero but even weirder. But for an alcohol, it's good, she answers before singing along the song that's passing right now and feeling the music.

I did a quick scan of our surroundings as did B before she hold on to the hem of my shirt to alarm me of something.

It might be my lenses, my bad memory or my dumbass, but don't you think the guy there looks a lot like Gavi ? She lets out with full disbelief.

I was so sure to answer her, you're dreaming for sure, but after checking out the guy dancing with 2 girls around him in the middle of the dance floor, my jaw drops on the floor.

That's Gavi. The worldly known football player Gavi. The Gavi I talked to that day Gavi. The Pedri's best teammate Gavi. The angry bird Gavi. The I used Pedri as an uber driver (which is so hilarious and adorable, I'm sad we won't see that anymore now that he has a license) Gavi.

How the fuck did we go to the same night club Gavi went to, on the same day at that ?

And when I thought that was shocking enough, my eyes switched towards a couch, where I felt like somebody was watching me, and there I saw the guy haunting my dreams for months sitting, his elbows resting on his knees, with a bottle of I don't know what sitting on the table.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I didn't see, hear or talk to him since the kiss at my front door from last week, and the 1st meeting we have since that day is in some fucking night club ?

He is so far away from me but I can still feel his glare piercing my skin.

I don't know why, but I don't want to go towards him, no.

I want to annoy him. And make him jealous. I want him to be possessive.

I tell B to sit on a chair and enjoy the show as I go towards the first guy I find with a drink in my hands.

I approach the guy who was buying drinks right next to us and give him the drink I just bought.

I bought it to lure a guy anyway.

Hey, uhm, wanna dance with me ? I ask in a loud but shy voice as I show my vodka near his chest.

The guys looks at me from left to toe and a smirk appears on his face as he accepts my drink and inhales it in one shot.

Sure baby, let's dance.

He holds my wrist and bring us to the middle of the dancefloor, but I bring him somewhere where Pedri can have a good look on us.

I moved my arms, hips, hair, whatever I felt like moving to the deafening loud music and the guy did the same, only the guy I don't even know the name to was more touchy than I expected.

He put his hands on both sides of my hips and brought himself closer. And when I was about to push him away, I looked to my right and noticed Pedri had disappeared from his couch.

He was marching towards here, towards me, with a pretty fucking hot angry look on his face.

He holds his hands in a fist, as if he is ready to punch the guy, but I don't want Pedri making news as a violent and dangerous guy who should be cancelled or something.

To save him from the news, the stranger from getting punched and myself from I don't know what yet, I activate a fight or flight response in me and run to the opposit direction to be as far away from Pedri as possible.

Pedri, instead of charging towards the guy, starts running too to not lose me from his field of view.


I ran towards the first thing I saw, the girls and boys' bathroom and went inside the girls' bathroom and closed the door behind me.

It was shockingly empty, I could swear on my life a girls bathroom in a night club would always be filled with girls peeing and chatting and touching their make up. And making out.

But this bathroom was god damn empty, what the fuck ?

When I left the door I closed for dear life and went to check the stalls to find any human presence, strong hands caught me from behind and wrapped themselves around my belly, almost lifting my feet off the ground.

What the fuck do you think you're doing ? The voice filled with anger asked, hovering over my ear with a hot breath and sending sparks inside me, making me feel alive and petrified at the same time.

I didn't need to turn my head to know who the hot body belonged to.


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