Clean Slate (Edited)

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"Nene. . .Is there a reason as to why you're dragging me around?" You asked your childhood friend, Nene Yashiro. Currently, she was dragging you throughout the halls of Kamome Academy, your beloved place of learning. The school day had ended, and instead of Nene going to her gardening club, she was guiding you around forcefully.

"There's someone I want you to meet!" Nene replied, speeding up in her tugging you around. You were thankful that not many students were in the school, or you'd be running into every other one of your peers.

"Are you sure it's not something else?" You asked suspiciously. "You never introduce me to people. . ."

"What else would I do?" Nene asked, giving you a side glance that clearly showed she was a little ticked off.

"I don't know, what?" You replied snarkily. Nene stopped, full-on glaring at you now. You chuckled nervously and raised your hands in defense. "Sorry, sorry. . .Who do you want me to meet?" You asked, no longer being dragged by Nene.

"A boy that transferred not too long ago!" Nene answered enthusiastically. "We're meeting up with him at the library."

". . .And you're sure I'm not going to be a third wheel to you and this guy?" You asked. If the guy she was talking about was relatively attractive, she was probably infatuated with him. . .

"It isn't like that! You know my heart belongs to President Minamoto!" She gawked, hearts in her eyes at the thought of the school president. You rolled your eyes playfully. "Sure," You mumbled.

"Whatever! We're here!" Nene exclaimed, striding confidently into the library, you not far behind her.

But of course, you were the one who ended up running into someone. Paper and books flew from the person you ran into's hands, and you looked up to meet the menacing eyes of the science teacher.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Tsuchigomori!" You apologized. "Here, I'll help," You said, kneeling to help pick up the fallen reading material. Mr. Tsuchigomori grumbled. "You better be sorry,"

Despite his mean exterior, you knew he had a soft side.

Handing the books back to Mr. Tsuchigomori, you apologized one more time before going back to Nene's side. "Anyways, where were we?" You asked, swiping off invisible dust from your hands. Nene giggled and pointed forward. You followed her finger to see it pointed at a lone person sitting at one of the many tables, his head stuck in a book. "That's him!" She said before shoving you towards the boy. You stumbled and quickly caught your footing by grabbing onto the table the boy was sitting at, moving it to the side.

The boy jumped and looked up from his book, his amber eyes meeting your own in alarm.

Familiar amber eyes.

You looked down to see what he was reading before you rudely interrupted. It was a book about space and Apollo Eleventh.

He was always a science nerd.

"Sorry to interrupt," You said sheepishly, moving the table back to its previous place and sitting in the chair across from the boy.

Why did he look so familiar?

"She may be playing me, but a friend of mine wanted me to meet you or something." You explained your reason for being there, and the boy watched you silently.

How did you know him?

"A-Anyways, I'm L/n, M/n, what about you?" You introduced yourself and reached a hand across the table to shake. The boy almost looked surprised, his eyes widened the moment you said your name.

He knew you.

He reached his hand out to you, grasping your hand and giving it a firm shake.

His hands were warm.

The warmth was familiar.

"I'm Yugi Amane. It's nice to meet you."

The way the sun shone into his chestnut-colored hair.

The way he looked hopefully into your eyes.

The way you knew everything.

He was so pretty. 

Ghost Boy  (Hanako x Male!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu