Found Memories (Edited)

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"Losing your memories is the same as losing your life."


You gasped, shooting upright. You looked around in alarm, seeing nothing but unfamiliarity. Remembering the events leading up to the present, you looked down at your stomach with wide, expectant eyes. But there was no hole there, no blood, there wasn't even a tear in your clothing. You sighed in relief, you were alright-physically, at least. You looked around, letting your eyes adjust to the new dim lighting, nothing looked familiar. Where were you?

The area was relatively dark, and there looked to be doors everywhere, the only object in the dark space. The doors were placed at random, some even hung high above your head, and none of them looked the same. What was this place?

You stood up, stumbling over. Thankfully, you were able to catch yourself against one of the doors before you could fall. "Where. . .where am I?. . .Another boundary?" You asked yourself, looking down to your shoes. There wasn't any water.

"It isn't quite the same as a boundary." A voice from the shadows announced. The voice sounded like it was coming out of some kind of radio, and was extremely familiar. "Hanako? Is that you!?" You called, looking all around to find the ghost.

Something bumped into the back of your ankle. Looking down, you found a Mokke holding a walkie-talkie between its plush ears. You kneeled down in front of it, leaning closer. "Is that you, Hanako?" You spoke into the radio. And sure enough, an answer from Hanako came from the object. "Yup! Right here!" You quickly took the radio off the Mokke's head, bringing it close to yourself. "Where are you? Where's Nene!? Is she alright?!" Your questions were back to back, spastic and slurring together from your urgency to have answered.

"I'm right where I always am. And Nene's perfectly fine, see?" Hanako said, passing the walking machine to someone else.

"M/n? Are you alright down there?!" It was Nene's voice! You smiled and sighed in relief, she was okay!

"I'm alright, for now at least. Where exactly am I? If it's not a boundary, then what is it?" You asked, looking around the darkened space again, nothing was different from before.

"I'm not sure how long this signal is going to last, so I'll make this short and sweet." Hanako started. "The place you're in right now isn't the world of the living, or the dead. It isn't even a boundary–it's nowhere." He answered. Although his words were filled with information, you still couldn't help from not understanding.

"So. . .I'm technically nowhere right now?" You asked, confused.

"Well. . .in a sense, you are both nowhere and everywhere." Hanako added, making everything even more mind boggling for you.

"So, from your current lack of location, you can access any place from the past or the future. It's a confusing space. I've sent Haku-jodai down there to try and track you down. But that place you're in is a big space, and it'll be difficult to find you, even if we do share a bond. I'm gonna need you to help me out a little, okay?" Hanako asked, sounding sincere. You could hear the quiet concerns of Nene in the background.

"Okay, what should I do?" You asked, wanting nothing more than to leave this place.

"You can see a lot of doors around you, yes?" Hanako asked.

"Yeah," You confirmed.

"Each of those doors connect to a different place. Most connect to worlds you've never heard of, but by looking around enough, you should be able to find a door that connects to the Earth as we all know it. . .So, I need you to find the door that connects to our world and boom! Walk on through it!" He made it sound a lot easier, you had no idea which door led to your world, and no way of knowing how to find it.

Ghost Boy  (Hanako x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now