Sumire-Chan (Edited)

180 8 6

(3rd person)


"There was always someone after him."


"Amane!" M/n called, running along the tall walls of the school building. He was sprinting, so he couldn't breathe much, and dots were clouding his vision. His legs were burning but he couldn't stop, not once he reached Yugi Amane.

He couldn't let it happen! M/n wouldn't let his best friend get bullied!


"And then when they were taken care of. There was always someone new in the picture."


"Are you okay!?" M/n asked, hands gripping his best friend's shoulders, a noticeable shake in his hands. Amane breathed, "Yeah. . Yeah, I'm fine." He said slowly, smiling up at M/n, bruises littering his face, tears about to stream down his face.


"But I was always there for him."


"Well, I'm still going to take you to the nurse! I don't care how many times you say you're okay, I don't believe you!" M/n said, determined. He put his arms under Amane's, lifting him up slowly, he was quite light, and M/n was careful with him. Amane sucked in a shallow breath.

"You're clearly not okay," He stated, letting Amane lean against the school wall for a small while so he could catch his bearings. The wall he leaned against was probably uncomfortable, the school was old, and the walls had cracks and holes in the brick.

"You ready?" M/n asked, reaching a hand out to Amane. He looked at M/n's hand, then smiled, taking it.



"And he was always there for me."


"I don't know what to do!" M/n shouted, panicking. Amane just smiled, sitting at the desk next to M/n, "It'll be fine, you'll do great!" He uplifted. Unfortunately, M/n didn't believe in his words.

"No, I won't! I'm gonna fail this test! And this time it counts!" He shouted, his hands covering his face in distress. It wasn't long before two more hands grabbed M/n's, taking them away from his face.

"You're always like this when a big test comes up," Amane said amusingly. M/n grimaced, "Not helping." He grumbled.

"Well, how about this, I'm going to help you. And we'll take it slow, okay? One step at a time. It helps the bother of us anyways, we both get to study and completely understand the test, okay?" Amane said softly. M/n let in air, then puffed it out, "Okay." He responded as Amane let go of him.

"Okay. So first, we'll start with this-"


"So when he killed his brother. . .Right in front of me."


"A. . Amane? W-what are you-"


"Why wasn't I there for him?"


"Wait! Please! M/n! Please wait!"


"Why did I run away from him?"


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