Chapter Four

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My head was killing me, once again. The cup of fresh, hot coffe was making things slightly better but I still wasn't at all excited to live through this day. Plus, I had to work the last shift at the bakery today and it was always a pain in the ass to clean everything up.

I took a sip. Usually I would sit here with Mel or in her apartment, enjoying our cup of coffee in the morning together in solitary silence. It somehow felt very lonely now.

A loud 'bing' sound echoed through my apartment and I immediately knew I got a message from someone. Since I had only little hope that it was from Mel because -- let's face it -- she would need more time than a couple of days, I didn't hurry.

I found my phone on the table and dully noted that I had to charge it soon, I had only twelve percent left. Then my eyes dropped lower to the notifications. Someone saved as 'hottie pants' had messaged me.

I opened the chat up with a frown. And suddenly I was wide awake. I, not I exactly but rather Emma from my phone, had started the conversation.

tomorrow. 11am

Followed by my adress. I remembered how I had more or less unwillingly given Emma the paper with Alex's number on it. Shit. Fuck. Fucking shit. Shitting Fuck.

alright, on my way now.

I immediately went to my contacts and called Emma. She picked up after the second ring.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty! I'm glad you woke up on time!" She was very cheerful but it just deepened the frown on my face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I exclaimed, raking my hand frustratedly through my hair.

"Chill out, girl."

"No, I can't chill out. Why did you do that?" Realizing I was close to tears I tried to control my breathing. Emma really couldn't be serious. Inviting Alex over here after what happened.

"You need more friends, baby."

The first tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away. I wouldn't let Emma notice I was crying, not for her pathetic behavior. "I don't, I need Mel. And she certainly won't come back when I hang out with the girl I cheated with."

"I wouldn't count that as cheating, you know?"

I couldn't hold back anymore, I was so angry and furious with her. "I don't care what you think! You just go and ruin my life even more than it already is." Involuntarily, a sob fled over my lips as I was unable to contain it.

"I think you should rethink what you just said." Her statement suddenly sounded so serious that I had to gulp. And sobbed again, more noticeable this time. "Are you crying?" I didn't miss how her voice became a lot softer.

"What's it matter to you?" I snapped and hoped I could rile her up this way.

"Please don't cry, Ry."

"Shut up, will you, you asshole." I tried again but I couldn't get a reaction out of her. It was different with Mel. She always was loud and forceful during arguments, trying her best to win them.

"You know, you can just cancel on her."

"No, I can't." A sob.

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